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      Hospital Evacuation Plan Template (Checklist) Note: this document does not represent a requirement for hospitals to reorganize their plans to coincide with the checklists; it is provided to assist hospitals in assessing and updating their evacuation plans. Rev: October 27, …

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    • [DOCX File]Checklist Before Closing or Retiring from Practice


      A patient notification letter should be sent to each patient and should include: reason for closing, planned date of closure, how to obtain records, the patient’s options for obtaining continued medical care (both routine and emergency), where the records will be after closure, how long records will be retained and be accessible, and contact ...

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      G 101 Patient right to be informed of rights. G 102 484.10(a) Written notice of rights. G 103 Documentation of Compliance W/ Patient Rights. 484.10(b) Exercise of rights and respect for property and person: G 104 Patient or family of patient has right to exercise rights. HZ824 Right of Inspection; Inspection Rights. G 105 Patient property ...

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    • 64B8-9

      (d) To assist in protecting the legal interest of the patient, the hospital, and the practitioner responsible for the patient. (2) A licensed physician shall maintain patient medical records in English, in a legible manner and with sufficient detail to clearly demonstrate why the course of treatment was undertaken.

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    • [DOC File]Patient Update - ACP


      Patient Update pg 2. 7) Since your last visit to our office, have you started any new over-the-counter medications (such as Advil, Tylenol, aspirin, Tums, etc.), herbal medications (such as St. John’s Wort, etc.), vitamins or minerals (such as Vitamin C, or Calcium, etc.)? Yes  No 

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    • [DOC File]Patients' Requests to Have Their Health Records Amended ...


      May 31, 2006 · Well, there can be many reasons why patients may ask to have their health records amended. In all of the cases referred to the Consultation Service, the patient apparently believed that the disputed entries contained highly personal, potentially damaging information that was not timely, accurate, relevant, or needed for completeness.

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    • [DOCX File]violent and abusive patient/visitor policy


      • The use of the procedure will be flagged on any patient computer records and this 'flag' will remain in place for the life of the card. Once the card has lapsed, a record of its use will be included on this system for a further period to ensure the safety of our staff and other patients.

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    • [DOC File]Answer Key - Worksheets - Content of the Patient Records ...


      The JCAHO requires that records be maintained that detail the receipt and disposition of all blood products. TRUE or FALSE Administration 61. The transfusion record contains patient ID, blood group/Rh of patient/donor, crossmatching, donor's ID #, and the record of of the transfusion.

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