Flu like disease

    • [DOC File]FACT SHEET – Pandemic Flu


      The following are guidelines to help you care for your child if he/she exhibits flu-like symptons: Children over 4 years and adults should be kept home from school or work until they have not had a temperature for 24 hours without the use of fever reducing medication. Children under 5 years should be kept home for seven (7) days or until they ...

      diseases with flu like symptoms



      If you answered “yes” for flu-like symptoms, you may have the flu. Symptoms of flu can include fever, cough, sore throat, runny or stuffy nose, body aches, headache, chills, and fatigue. Some people may also have vomiting and diarrhea. People may be infected with the flu, including 2009 H1N1, and have respiratory symptoms without a fever.

      sudden flu like symptoms

    • Flu-Like Symptoms | Infections | Contagious Diseases

      Flu causes illness, hospital stays and deaths in the United States each year. Flu can be very dangerous for children. Each year about 20,000 children younger than 5 years old are hospitalized from flu complications, like pneumonia. How serious is the flu? Flu illness can vary from mild to severe.

      viruses with flu like symptoms

    • [DOCX File]Influenza A Outbreak – After Action Report


      3-14 NO Flu-like signs. Drowsy, disoriented, neurological signs, seizures. Respiratory distress. Death C Hantavirus. Hantavirus Inhalation of aerosolized rodent urine, feces or saliva (((((4-42 NO HPS: Flu-like signs, back pain, myalgia; cough, shortness of breath, dyspnea, tachypnea, tachycardia; death

      illnesses with flu like symptoms

    • [DOC File]Flu season is starting Get Ready Now


      to flu-like symptoms resulting in quarantine of the neighborhood. Team effort to call all resident family members and responsible parties as well as key staff at ... Conclusion: Incident command activated and infectious disease procedures followed. All the Woodlands staff acted quickly and effectively in response to this event. Next Steps: Add ...

      flu like symptoms

    • [DOC File]Human Disease Handout - New Jersey


      Like most of the nation, New Jersey is experiencing widespread flu activity. Taking everyday preventative actions can help stop the spread of germs that cause respiratory illness. In order to reduce the spread of the virus in our schools, please read and follow these instructions from the CDC (Center for Disease Control and Prevention).

      constant flu like symptoms

    • [DOCX File]The Flu:


      The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend that sick employees stay home if they are sick with flu-like illness until at least 24 hours after they are free of fever (100 degrees Fahrenheit or 38 degrees Celsius) or signs of a fever (have chills, feel very warm, have a flushed appearance, or are sweating).

      chronic flu like symptoms

    • [DOC File]Message to Employees: Distribute by e-mail, letter, flyer etc


      In humans, symptoms may include the usual flu-like symptoms, such as fever, cough, sore throat, and muscle aches. Some people may get eye infections, pneumonia, and severe breathing problems. It is possible to have severe and life-threatening complications as a result of bird flu.

      what causes flu like symptoms

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