For example in different words

    • [PDF File]How to Paraphrase Effectively

      words, notice ‘Wow’ words in their reading or in speech, as well as using ‘Wow’ words in their writing, are ways to deepen understanding. One way to support and develop writing is by having students consider how to incorporate ‘Wow’ words into their written work. For example pointing out how

      other words for example

    • [PDF File]Linking words and phrases

      resents. Some words are more complex than others, having multiple meanings, while others are conceptually rich and networked to countless other words. There are those words that may have different syntactic uses depending on their context within a sen-tence. For example, the word run can be used as a noun or a verb. Thus, learning a new

      other words for an example

    • [PDF File]600 Spelling Bee Words & Sentences for Grades 6-8

      5. The sentences begin with different words. Yes No Yes No 6. The sentences vary in length. Yes No Yes No (Word choice) 7. Descriptive words are used. Yes No Yes No 8. Overused words (e.g., nice, big, little) have been replaced with more precise or interesting words. Yes No Yes No (Content) 9. The description paints a clear and accurate

      another word for examples

    • [PDF File]Writing with Wow Words and Building Vocabulary

      24 Using Appropriate Words in an Academic Essay 3.4 Beware of Commonly Misused Words Some words are commonly misused. For example, the word lesser is often used as a comparative form for less as in: This experiment was completed in lesser time than expected. The correct form should be less time since less is a comparative form for Lesserlittle is . never used as a comparative form of little or ...

      another word for an example

    • [PDF File]Primary Writing – Written Products Examples

      Useful Words The following list defines some of the difficult words used in this article. A synonym is a word or phrase that has almost the same meaning as another word or phrase. For example, 'smart', 'clever' and 'intelligent' are all synonyms because they have almost the same meaning.

      words other than for example

    • [PDF File]Signpost words and phrases

      Words gradually increase in difficulty. The final 50 words or so are at the 9th grade level and above to challenge your best students. For a few of the words near the end of the list, I’ve included pronunciations to aid the pronouncer. Pronunciations We’ve included the most popular pronunciations. Additional pronunciations may exist for ...

      other words to use than for example

    • [PDF File]Essential Strategies for Teaching Vocabulary

      Underline, or note, any important subject-specific words. 2. Look up any difficult words, and try to find synonyms for them. 3. Try to find different ways of expressing the information in the groups of words (phrases). 4. Rewrite each sentence. Try to simplify the sentence structure and the vocabulary without changing the meaning. 5.

      another word for being an example of

    • [PDF File]Using Appropriate Words in an Academic Essay

      Nevertheless . Nonetheless . Still . Although, Even though, though . but . yet . Despite , In spite of . In contrast, In comparison . While, whereas . On the other hand

      words for example

    • Example dictionary definition | example defined

      Signpost words and phrases ACADEMIC WRITING Having researched your topic in preparation for writing an essay, you will probably have accumulated a wide range of facts, published research, and other information relevant to the topic. Many people simply

      other words for example

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