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    • [DOC File]DVD Movie Product Fact Sheet - MediaTree

      Music Download Cards give users complimentary access to millions of MP3 songs, including today’s hottest artists. By visiting the website address on their card, entering their Reward Code and following the on-screen instructions users can download their favorite song(s) from …

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    • [DOC File]The Economics of Music File Sharing – A Literature Overview

      Jaisingh (2004) studied the impact of selling music as downloads on music “piracy” and the strategies recording companies should adopt to increase profits. Rochelandet and Guel (2005) measured the behavior of file sharers and showed that downloading from P2P file sharing networks is negatively correlated with their willingness to pay.

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    • [DOC File]E-Book Resource List

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    • [DOC File]California State University, Sacramento | Sacramento State

      Mp3 Capable, subscribers want to be able to use their iPod’s with their handsets. Ability to Record Music and play it back or use as a ringtone. FM Radio can now be transmitted through a handset. FLASH Memory Cards can hold up to 100 songs and are removable. Support

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    • [DOC File]Current Uses of Internet

      Downloadable music. Major record labels are investing heavily in developing downloadable music. Most people now listen to downloaded music on PCs, but digital music is also played on portable MP3 players and is expected to spread to cell phones and car radios.

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