Free computers for school programs

    • [DOC File]Blue Ribbon Schools Program

      Each classroom within the school has a technology center equipped with four computers for the students to use to develop key skills that are aligned to each week’s learning objectives. Student progress is monitored through research-based programs and online components of our school's adopted curriculum. 5. Instructional Methods:

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    • [DOCX File]Computer Science Programming - Virginia Department of ...

      refers to the general use of computers and programs, such as productivity software. Examples include performing an Internet search and creating a digital presentation. Educational technology. applies computer literacy to school subjects.

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    • [DOC File]2001 Comtech Program Abstracts (MS Word)

      The project will include: 1) Adult Education and Family Literacy, including GED, English Language instruction, and adult basic education classes or programs, introduction to computers, intergenerational activities, and lifelong learning opportunities through technology and the Internet; 2) After-School Activities for children of all ages to use ...

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    • [DOC File]In School Suspension Rules Assignment

      You will be dismissed from school after the teacher has inspected your area for cleanliness, all trash and debris has been picked up, and your chair has been pushed in. In a paragraph or two (minimum 4-5 sentences), discuss what YOU did to receive the consequence of In School Suspension today. Be as specific as possible.

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    • [DOCX File]college and career awareness activities for elementary and ...

      Technical school teaches skills used by individuals in certain jobs such as a car mechanic, computer hardware repairman, restaurant chef, heat and air conditioning repairman. Technical schools provide a hands-on environment that prepares you to work in these types of jobs. Military training is considered technical school training.

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    • [DOC File]Funding for Assistive Technology in Missouri

      This program is a volunteer program that offers free computers to St. Louis residents and this program will exchange for volunteer services. You will need to contact them directly to determine eligibility requirements and the commitment expected at (314) 382-1650.

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    • [DOC File]Sample Technology Grant

      The Mac computers at our school have iMovie software that will be used for editing the footage, but I am requesting a firewire cable to download the footage from the camera to the computer. Once the news is produced, we will play the weekly broadcast over the school in-house system. The school has been able to acquire some projectors for this ...

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