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    • [PDF File]Basic Internet Skills

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    • [PDF File]Computer and Internet Security Presentation

      10/17/13 2 What is Computer and Internet Security ! Computer Security " Protecting computers, information, and services from unauthorized access, change or destruction. " Internet security extends this concept to systems that are connected to the Internet

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    • [PDF File]Best of the Best ELA Websites for Elementary Grades

      Best of the Best ELA Websites for Elementary Grades Special Thanks to Beth Dennis for sharing these websites ... Kids‘ news articles & current events. ―Fodder for young minds‖ ... ―Book Adventure is a free, online reading program for children in grades K-8, brought to you

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    • [PDF File]Kids’ Version. Instructor guide. - Hands on Banking®

      yourself with the Kids’ curriculum if you do not have ready access to a computer or the Internet. 2. Prepare lessons: If your students will not have access to computers, you can use this teacher’s guide as a resource for preparing your lesson plan. 3. Utilize worksheets: The teacher’s guide includes activity worksheets which allow your stu-

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    • [PDF File]Child Safety - Michigan Legislature

      This information is provided free to Michigan citizens and is not for reproduction, resale or profit. Special appreciation to: Drug Abuse Resistance Education (D.A.R.E.) iKeepSafe Internet Safety Coalition National Crime Prevention Council Phillip Martin Clipart Rescue 1 Fire Safety for Kids, Inc. U.S. Department of Homeland Security/FEMA

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    • [PDF File]Internet 101: What is the Internet?

      Internet 101 What is the Internet? 4 - - GCF* Introduction Page 1 It's no secret that more and more the internet is becoming an integral part of our everyday lives. But if you are new to the online experience, it may be a bit overwhelming. You may be wondering, "What exactly is …

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    • [PDF File]THE PACT ACT Preventing Illegal Internet Sales of ...

      Accordingly, Internet and mail-order sales provide yet another way for youth to obtain tobacco products – and Internet buyers (who typically buy at least one or two cartons at a time) can become suppliers for other kids. The PACT Act will stop such Internet sales of cigarettes and smokeless

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    • [PDF File]Internet Safety: 2014 Resource Guide - Children's Safety ...

      Internet Safety: 2014 Resource Guide. 22 social networking, and more. ... This tip sheet from FOSI contains 10 Internet safety tips for kids. ... The full abstract is available for free and the full study is available for purchase.

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    • [PDF File]Chatting with Kids About Being Online

      The Internet offers a world of opportunities. People of all ages are: building online proiles ... they’re forming their own values and may feel free to do or say things online that they beginning to take on the values of their peers. ... Let your kids know that it’s wrong to create sites, pages, or posts that seem to come from someone ...

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