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      SeeSources is an online plagiarism checker which takes whole text from a file and detects plagiarism just by selecting the file and clicking on ‘Start Analysis’. Users can upload.doc,.docx,.htm...

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    • [DOC File]EXTENDED ESSAY GUIDE - Michele Clark Magnet High School

      The essay must be structured and organized logically with all arguments and analysis presented and developed in a systematic fashion and order. Use smooth transitions between paragraphs to link the paragraphs, arguments, and sections of your paper. Use a spelling checker …

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    • [DOC File]Essay 1 - Solent Online Learning

      Further, many students today write on a computer, reading from the screen, editing and using their spell-checker to proofread as they go. However, a lot of the marks given to an essay depend on it being …

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    • Consequences of Plagiarism

      Dublichecker is free online plagiarism checking software is a great benefit to people of any occupation. It was designed by a professionally proficient team of developers to guarantee 100% ...

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