Free printable preschool classroom rules

    • [DOC File]Student Interest Inventory

      Classroom: These two rules are important to me in a classroom: 1. 2. School: I like to read on my own: Yes No. My favorite book is: My favorite subject is: My least favorite subject is: I need to be told to stay on task often, sometimes, or never: (circle one) I prefer working …

      pre k rules printable

    • [DOC File]Substitute Teacher Packet - Scholastic

      Routines Classroom After a lesson is taught, students are to work quietly. They may leave their desks to work in another area such as the reading corner, different tables that are available and the floor. Restroom Students may use the restroom during work time.

      classroom rules template free


      Behavioral expectations are clarified and connected to classroom rules and values. 5. Provide positive reinforcement: verbal, visual, social, and/or edible. Use common classroom activities and privileges as incentives (i.e. recess, center time, computer access, special jobs, party food, etc). 6.

      rules for preschool classroom

    • [DOC File]Behavior Checklist

      Student Name: _____ Teacher _____ Please list positive behaviors or behavior strengths that the student displays: Please select frequency in which the following behaviors are displayed in your classroom:

      free class rules printable

    • [DOC File]

      The student will be given a classroom duty or job. Student will go into a class with younger students and teach and role play how to get along well, be friends, and follow school and class rules (may be once a week, once a month, or just a one time)

      pre k classroom rules

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