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    • Literary Terms for 9th Grade End of Course Test

      Historical Fiction - Stories that include or focus on significant historical events (To Kill A Mockingbird) Mystery - A story that involves the reader in guessing who committed the crime or deed. Science Fiction - Fictional stories that center upon scientific elements. Plot …

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    • Informational Writing Graphic Organizer

      Informational writing is non-fiction writing that informs, instructs, explains, or describes. It is also referred to as Expository Writing. When we write an informational piece, we must assume the reader knows NOTHING about the topic. It is our job to thoroughly explain the idea.

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    • [DOCX File]5th Grade Book Reports

      Historical Fiction books are stories that have some true facts from the past. Realistic Fiction consists of stories that are set in modern times. Fiction: These are stories that are completely made up in the author’s imagination. Science Fiction: These are stories that are set in the future or in space.

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    • [DOC File]The Role of Stories in

      Thus, stories, if they are to be believable, if they are to convince us of their ‘lifelikeness’ must follow the rules of narrative. Genre fiction is yet even more tightly constructed with rules that define the genre. In Jurassic Park, Michael Crichton used the science fiction …

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    • [DOC File]Exploring Fantasy and Futuristic Fiction

      Read a short story from the fantasy and science fiction links and fill out the SFA on both Watch: Elements of the genre videos, Predicting the future: Arthur C Clarke - Predicting the future 1964

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      Apr 22, 2015 · FICTIONAL NARRATIVE WRITING RUBRIC. 4 3 2 1 1. Organization: The plot is thoroughly developed. The story is interesting and logically organized: there is clear exposition, rising action and climax.

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      Science Fiction Read the article about the good and the bad of science fiction writing: Science fiction has presented us with some of the most interesting stories ever. From exploring the horrors of space to the wonders of time travel, sci-fi has given us many memorable moments and characters whose existence we can only dream about.

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    • [DOCX File]Unit 1: Foundations of English Literature (3 weeks)

      Unit 1: Composition Strategies and Short Story Genre Study (7 classes) Anchor Texts: How to Read Literature like a Professor (Summer Reading), Summer Reading, Short Story Boot Camp Packet (includes stories by James Joyce, John Updike, Flannery O’Connor, William Faulkner, Ernest Hemingway, Kate Chopin, and Ralph Ellison)

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    • [DOC File]Grade 12 Short Story Notes

      Novels are longer and more complex than short stories; therefore, they take several sittings to read in their entirety. Novels, like short stories, can be written in different categories or sub-genres. These could be mystery, science fiction, fantasy, romance, history, and contemporary, to name a few. Stylistic Terms: Antithesis:

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