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    • [DOCX File]Workplace Readiness Skills Worksheet

      Process/Skill Questions – Answer the following: How do you define . integrity? Give an example of how you have shown integrity. Demonstrate teamwork skills. Definition. Demonstration includes . contributing to the success of the team (e.g., brainstorming solutions, volunteering, performing in accordance with the assigned role)

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    • [DOC File]Activity – Communication Style Self-Assessment

      In writing, favor the personal note over other forms. Do not like to write at-length, prefer face-to-face or phone contact. Tend to be more effective in oral than written communication as they convey much inflection, interest, enthusiasm and impact Dress. Dress is more according to own mood than to suit others’ expectations.

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    • [DOC File]Argumentative Essay Graphic Organizer

      Name_____ Date_____ Directions: Use this graphic organizer to help organize or outline your ideas for your essay.

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      [Wait until all have completed writing and are waiting for you to continue] On the next five of paper, please write down five things that you consider being important activities such as work, hobbies, leisure time activities and so on. Perhaps you value reading, swimming, running, or knitting. Remember to write only one item on each slip of paper.

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    • [DOC File]Literacy Action Plan Template

      Aug 24, 2011 · Grade Writing 1 Writing 2 Writing 3 Writing 4 Writing 5 Notes K Sept. 6-9 (Drawing and writing) January 16-20. (Drawing and Writing) May 2nd week (Drawing and Writing) September scoring 1 August 30, 31, or Sept 1st.Post summer assessment (snapshot) October 24, 25, or 26th. (Personal narrative, on demand writing about fall) Winter

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    • [DOC File]Answers to Chapters 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 - End of Chapter ...

      Process: A billing system which can take into account business requirements (like free local calls from 9.00pm to 7.00am and weekends) and usage of a customer to produce a bill. Output: Customized bills for all customers, based on their usage which can be emailed as well as mailed to their addresses.

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    • [DOCX File]Teacher Checklist – Basic Reading Skills

      12. uses effective writing process: pre-writing activities (e.g., topic choice). demonstrates use of drafting. uses proofing skills (e.g., precise phrasing). shares written work (e.g., peer editing). Source: Ohio Department of Education (1991). Ohio handbook for the identification, evaluation and placement of children with language problems.

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    • [DOC File]TEKS Lesson Plan/Unit Plan

      Processes Writing is a process that includes prewriting, drafting, editing, and revising. Proofreading Effective writers examine their work for correct sentence structure. Proofreading Proofreading the writing of others can help an editor to identify ways to improve his/her own writing.

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