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    • [DOC File]Herbal Health Care

      Antihypertensive can help lower blood pressure. There are many different types of antihypertensives that work in a variety of ways. Some of the medications that treat CHF also help lower blood pressure. Antiarrhythmics are used to help control a rapid or irregular heartbeat. They …

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    • [DOCX File]Los Angeles Mission College

      A study was conducted to assess the effect of time-release garlic-powder tablets lower systolic and diastolic blood pressure in men with mild and moderate arterial hypertension.

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    • [DOCX File]Patient Handouts - Redemption Psychiatry

      Increased blood pressure: Taken in high amounts, ginger could increase blood pressure due to its hypertensive properties. Vitamin C AS MOTHER, I ASK YOU OBSERVE, AS PART OF YOUR DIET FOR LIFE, THE DAILY NEED TO INGEST VITAMIN C, TO INGEST RAW GARLIC OR GINGER DAILY.

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    • [DOCX File]10 Best Herbs and Spices for Health

      Birth control pills seem to increase how much melatonin the body makes. Taking melatonin along with birth control pills might cause too much melatonin to be in the body.Some birth control pills include ethinyl estradiol and levonorgestrel (Triphasil), ethinyl estradiol and norethindrone (Ortho-Novum 1/35, Ortho-Novum 7/7/7), and others.

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    • [DOC File]Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences

      Use spices, garlic, and onions to add flavor to your meals without adding more sodium. ... If you need drugs to help lower your blood pressure, you still must follow the lifestyle changes mentioned above. ... Blood pressure pills won’t work if you don’t take them every day. Take your pill …

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    • 11 Best Garlic Pills for High Blood Pressure

      A recent study showed that eating garlic can lower blood pressure. Researchers prescribed garlic pills to high blood pressure patients and monitored their results over a 6 month period. These results were then compared to high blood pressure patients who had received a placebo. The doctors administering the pills were not aware of which ...

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    • [DOC File]APPENDIX C - Maine

      Persons with a history of high blood pressure should avoid herbs that stimulate the heart or constrict the blood capillaries and arteries, for example, licorice root, ephedra and lily of the valley. Use a sedative type of therapy with a cleansing diet. Cayenne and garlic can be used in normal amounts in high blood pressure cases.

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    • [DOC File]CONGESTIVE HEART FAILURE - Kaleida Health

      Strong remedy in assisting recovery after illnesses and preventing colds and flus because of its antifungal and antibacterial properties. Garlic contains allicin which has been proven to lower high blood pressure and cholesterol as well as fighting intestinal problems and …

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    • [DOC File]Implementation_Guide

      Limit garlic, ginger, gingko, and horse chestnut. ... cardiovascular disorders such as high blood. pressure, angina, irregular heart beat, and high. cholesterol. These drugs are often used in ... ability of clonidine (CATAPRES) to lower blood. pressure. In other cases, the effects of a drug can. increase the risk of serious side effects. For.

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