General theory of crime criminology

    • [PDF File]On the absence of self-control as the basis for a general ...

      In the final sentence of A General Theory of Crime, Michael R. Gottfredson and Travis Hirschi note that they ‘will be happy if our theory helps renew some intellectual interest in criminology, a field that once engaged the finest minds in the community’ (Gottfredson and Hirschi, 1990: 275).

    • [PDF File]Journal of Theoretical & Philosophical Criminology

      General strain theory (GST) has provided a useful lens through which to investigate the distribution of crime in America since its conceptualization by Robert Agnew in 1992. It has been usefully employed in micro-level studies of crime, and it broadens the scope of the classic theories of Merton,

    • [PDF File]Testing the General Theory of Crime: Comparing the Effects ...

      Testing the General Theory of Crime 42 self-control, but also to mitigate the criticism of tautology that has been leveled at the theory. A General Theory of Crime Due to the vast amount of research testing and dis-cussing Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) theory (see Pratt and Cullen, 2000 for a review of empirical tests,

    • [PDF File]Perspectives on Criminology

      crime. Further development in theoretical niminology will result primarily [Tom making sense out of what we already know. -George B. Void and Thomas f. Bemartf The objective of criminology is the development of a body of general verified principles. -Edwin Sutherland "nd DOl/aid Cresse; The whole paraphernalia of the criminal law and the

    • [PDF File]Control Theories of Crime Deterrence, Rational Choice, and ...

      PhD Qualifying Examination in Criminology . Core Theory Reading List (Revised December 2, 2018) General. ... A General Theory of Crime. Stanford: Stanford University Press. Hagan, John. 1989. ... Theory of Crime and Deviance: The Past, Present and Future.” Pp. 37-76 in

    • [PDF File]Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory

      in integrated theories of crime and in empirical inquiries, both in the United States and abroad. Although the theory is not without its critics, it would be difficult to overstate the influence of Hirschi's social control theory on the field of criminology. The fundamental question addressed with social control theory can be traced back to

    • [PDF File]Major Sociological Theoretical Approaches in Criminology 7

      cal theory beginning in the 1930s in the United States. Societal conditions, groups, social disorganization, and conflict have become additional units of analysis. Crime is perceived as a status (definition) as well as behav - ior (pathology), and sociological criminology in general takes a more critical stance toward the society itself as

    • 'Self&Control Theory' in: The Encyclopedia of Criminology ...

      Besides these three general critiques, A Gen-eral Theory of Crime is involved in two ongoing debates in criminology. The first dispute is over the influence of peers on crime and delinquency. Self-control theory would suggest that the corre-lationbetweenanindividual’scriminalityandthe criminality of friends is the result of a selection effect.

    • [PDF File]Theories and causes of crime - SCCJR

      One of the key theories to emerge from this branch of criminology is rational choice theory, associated with the work of Cornish and Clarke (1986). According to this theory, individuals not only decide to commit crime, but decide when and where to commit crime. As Walklate observes, this theory lends itself to the range of policy initiatives known

    • [PDF File]Gender and Crime - Sam Houston State University

      Journal of Research in Crime & Delinquency, 37, 171-189. Broidy & Agnew. (1997). Gender and crime: A general strain theory perspective. Journal of Research in Crime and Delinquency, 34, 275-306. Giordano, P. C. (2010). Legacies of crime: A follow-up of the children of highly delinquent girls and boys. Cambridge University Press.


      Since its publication in 1990, Gottfredson and Hirschi's A General Theory of Crime has received considerable attention within the field of criminology. The general theory introduced the concept of self-control, which Gottfredson and Hirschi defined as "the differential tendency of people to avoid criminal acts whatever the circumstances in

    • [PDF File]Agnew’s General Strain Theory: Context, Synopsis, and ...

      AGNEW’S GENERAL STRAIN THEORY 2 Robert Agnew’s general strain theory is one of the most respected theories of crime in modern criminology. However, strain theory has not always occupied a respectable position among scholars in the criminological community. Although strain theory quickly achieved

    • Walters--The Decision to Commit Crime

      Gottfredson and Hirschi’s (1990) general theory of crime, to name just a few—and one popular approach to crime control—situational crime prevention (Clarke, 2009). In contrast to deterministic theories of criminality and criminal justice, rational choice theory maintains that criminals and non-criminals differ only in the choices they make.

    • [PDF File]Encyclopedia of Criminological Theory

      in criminology: social learning theory. Social learning theory, in its current form, spells out the specific mechanisms by which criminal behavior is learned. In particular, social learning theory maintains that criminal behavior is more likely to result when an individual associates [p. 22 ↓ ] more with those who engage in and approve of crime

    • The Handbook of Criminological Theory

      Crime, People, and Society (NYU Press, 2011); Pressured into Crime: An Overview of General Strain Theory (Oxford, 2006); and Why Do Criminals Offend: A General Theory of Crime and Delinquency (Oxford, 2005). He has served as President of the American Society of Criminology, is a Fellow of that organization, and is on the

    • [PDF File]On the Malleability of Self-Control: Theoretical and ...

      It can be stated with certainty that Gottfredson and Hirschi’s general theory of crime stands as one of criminology’s most important theories. Developed largely in response to parental socialization efforts involving child monitoring, recogni-tion of child deviant behavior, and punishment of deviant behavior, the

    • [PDF File]An Examination of Deterrence Theory: Where Do We Stand?

      course theory or Agnew’s general theory of crime. Criminologists have relentlessly tested deterrence theory using scientific methods to assist in informing and educating policy­ makers, as well as to unravel the mystery of crime reduction. This essay first examines the theory, including the main tenets, the inher­


      CAN GENERAL STRAIN THEORY EXPLAIN WHITE-COLLAR CRIME? A PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION By Lynn Langton May, 2004 Chair: Nicole Piquero Major Department: Criminology and Law Studies Agnew’s General Strain Theory has been tested across a wide range of populations and on numerous criminal and analogous behaviors.

    • Low Self-Control and Opportunity: Testing the General ...

      Gottfredson and Hirschi's (1990) general theory of crime claims to be general, in part, due to its assertion that the operation of a single mecha­ nism, low self-control, accounts for "all crime, at all times": acts ranging from vandalism to homicide, from rape to white-collar crime (p. 117).

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