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    • [DOC File]Using dynamic geometry software to encourage 3D ...

      The project is increasing and extending the use of these and other ICT tools, especially the use of software to create and manipulate 3D images in mathematics, science, D&T, Art&Design and ICT. Visualisation and modelling in 3D is fundamental to a wide variety of disciplines - and to science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) in ...

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    • [DOC File]Veille pédagogique

      Extrait de la publication mensuelle du « Café pédagogique », 6 décembre 2013 Versailles 3D Le portail EDUTHEQUE vient d'être lancé par le ministère de l'éducation nationale. il s'agit d'un portail d'accès gratuit à des ressources pédagogiques numériques culturelles et scientifiques pour les enseignants du premier et second degré ...

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    • [DOC File]European Schoolnet

      “CINEMATHS PARADISE” Contents Page Abstract 3 . Introduction. 4 Theoretical framework. 8 Methodology. 10 Working Title 11. Spain – Fermat’s room

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    • [DOCX File]

      – an interactive software package which allows users to build and manipulate figures in 3D. Each student also uses a TI-89 graphing calculator. Unlike earlier models of TI graphing calculators, the CAS (computer algebra system) capability of the TI-89 graphing calculator “can evaluate and simplify algebraic expressions symbolically

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    • [DOCX File]Date of Publication:

      A great resource for this component. This link will bring you to the Geometry section which covers 2D and 3D shapes. Some of the content is too advanced for level 1 but tutor can use what suits class profile. There are activities to support learning, some of which are …

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    • [DOC File]Physics News from the AIP term 4 No 1

      GeoGebra: A free software package ... e.g. 'Status of World Nuclear Forces', 'Uranium Enrichment Methods' and 'Weapons Fallout Calculator'. In the last example, you choose a city, e.g. Sydney, select a wind speed and direction, and yield from 1 kt to 50 Mt. ... operating room where she measures the radiation before and during the application of ...

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    • [DOC File]

      Includes any computer or technological- based “gadget”. Includes PC and whiteboard, digital camera, web based applications (Voki, Google, Google maps, satellite imagery, Moodles etc.) Any device with which you can inform and communicate irrespective of technology employed. Computer projects, IWB, graphical calculator.

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    • [DOC File]2e T3 Europe Wetenschapsdag - Adrian Oldknow

      Hence in one 3D image we can see all four graphic images, and we can also get Cabri 3D to show front side and top elevations without perspective. Now we can see that the models for both X against T, and for V against T are damped sine waves, and that for V against T is an inward spiral – in line with the predicted ideal theory.

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