German population in argentina

    • Sprechen Sie Portugiesisch? Nein: The German Beginnings of the ... - JSTOR

      When Elders Pratt and Ballard left Argentina on July 23, 1926, it was with considerable apprehension and concern for the future of the Church in South America.1 Elder Pratt need not have worried. Stoof soon recognized that the missionary emphasis in Argentina had to be with the Spanish- speaking inhabitants. The German population was scattered ...

    • Germany´s population by 2050 - Statistisches Bundesamt

      Germany´s Population by 2050 — Results of the 11th Coordinated Population Projection Federal Statistical Offi ce 2006 In the long run, the working age population will also undergo a process of further ageing and shrinking. Until about 2015 the number of the 20 to under 65-year-olds will remain stable at about 50 million.

    • The potential distribution of German wasps (Vespula germanica) in Argentina

      D'Adamo et al.—Potential distribution of German wasps in Argentina 81 k-'V-^j* Fig. 1 Environmental suitability of Argentina for the establishment of German wasps (V. germanica). Areas with given ecoclimatic indices (EI) values are shown with different shades of grey, ranging from unsuitable (EI of 0-4, white) to favourable (EI of 20-25, black).

    • [PDF File]Argentina – Germany Bit - Investor-State LawGuide | ISLG

      legal provisions in force in Argentina. I Came into force on 8 November 1993, i.e., one month after the exchange of the instruments of ratification, which took place at Buenos Aires on 8 October 1993, in accordance with article 12 (2). VoL 1910. I-32538 . Investor-State LawGuideTM reproduces this document with permission from the United Nations.

    • [PDF File]Early Immigration to Argentina - University of Texas at Austin

      Jewish Population • German Jewish banker, Baron Mauricio de Hirsch, founded a society to help Russian Jews immigrate to Argentina. • He bought land in Santa Fe, Entre Rios, Buenos Aires, La Pampa and Santiago del Estero. • The society paid for most of the immigrants’

    • [PDF File]German Presence in South America

      spoke German at home failed to become literate in either language. In some Brazilian regions, the German ethnic group still comprised a quarter of the population between 1950 and 1975. The German populations of the Republics of Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay were augmented substantially in the 20th century. By the turn of the century, most ...

    • History, Historical Fiction, and Historical Myth: 'The German Doctor ...

      Before the outbreak of war in 1939, Argentina had a growing German population centered in Buenos Aires. German immigration in the 1920s increased the German population within Argentina from 100,000 prior to World War I in 1914, to 250,000 in the late 1930s. Furthermore, attendance of German schools in Argentina rose from 3,300 in 1905 to 12,900 in

    • [PDF File]Religion and the Secular State in Argentina

      According to surveys, of nearly 38,000,000 inhabitants in Argentina, eighty percent (80%) of the population acknowledges to be Catholic, ten percent (10%) belongs to different Protestant, Evangelical and Pentecostal churches, three percent (3%) belongs to other religions (specially the Jewish numerous

    • Germans and Italians in Latin America: Recent Immigration Research - JSTOR

      during World War I, however, the relatively small German population, mobilized by the Deutsch-Chilenischer Bund, successfully struggled to defend the govern-ment's policy of neutrality. But the homeland's defeat left the Chilean Germans in ... from Argentina than from the United States.4 Many of these transitory immi-grants, who came ...

    • [PDF File]Argentina - United Nations Population Fund

      Population 1990 2010 Total population by age group and sex, 2010 and 2050 Total population (000) 32,642 40,412 ... Number of nurses or midwives (per 100,000 population) 48 (2004) Argentina Sexual and Reproductive Health Maternal and Child Health 2009 *Information, education and communication; counselling and reproductive health services. sex ...

    • German Immigration and the Formation of German-Brazilian Ethnicity - JSTOR

      tention to this fact, using the expression „German-speaking immigrants" to justify his claim that 280 thousand such immigrants had entered Brazil. German immigration to Brazil was not a spontaneous movement. Since 1824 the Brazilian government sought to draw immigrants from Europe by means of propaganda and specially hired recruiting agents.

    • Under German Eyes: Germán Avé-Lallemant and the Origins of ... - JSTOR

      19th century. According to the national census of 1895, Argentina had a population of approximately four million people, more than 660,000 of whom lived in the capital city of Buenos Aires. The country had the number of German immigrants was relatively small (17,143, or 1.7% of the immigrants and less than 0.5% of the total population),


      seminar sponsored by the German and American Fulbright Associations, June 8 th to 27 th, 2003. The author ... Population (in millions) of Germany by Age Group and Year, 1998 to 2080 Age Group 1998 2030 2050 2080 % Change 1998-2080 Under 20 years 17.7 12.0 9.7 7.8 -55.9% 20-59 years 46.5 36.2 30.5 23.5 -49.5% ...

    • [PDF File]German Public Opinion on Immigration and Integration

      2007 micro census, which takes place once a year and surveys 1 percent of the German population, immigrant-origin residents make up 19 percent of the population.2 This data has heightened people's awareness that German society has already changed and will change even more drastically in the future as a result of immigration.

    • German Immigration and Adaptation to Latin America - Liberty University

      particular segments of the region's German population, and numerous journal articles have addressed more detailed topics, but a synthesis of this information is lacking. This study briefly recounts the histories of Latin American countries' German populations and proceeds to point out their commonalities. Constraints of


      The Jewish population of the city of Buenos Aires grew at a faster pace as the metropolis absorbed an ever-mounting share of immigrants. The census of September 1904 counted 6,065 Jews among a total popu-7Segundo Censo de la Republica Argentina, Mayo 10 de 1895. Tomo II, Poblacion. (Buenos Aires 1898). 8 Rapport, 1897, p. 5. 9 Ibid., 1900, pp ...

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