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      This covers the basic probability theory underlying VaR. Now, two methods from linear algebra useful in the computation of VaR will be examined. Part 2: Linear Algebra. As was mentioned on page 3, the expected value of a linear combination of random variables is the linear combination of the expected values.

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      Strang, Gilbert. The Teaching of Calculus: Careful Changes. American Mathematical Society, 1992. (VHS) 14J. Miscellaneous TA Web Materials. Miscellaneous Web Pages for Teaching Assistants. Some Web sites that discuss aspects of teaching and presenting mathematics are a little more difficult to classify. We list a few of those here.

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      General introduction to the subject of numerical analysis, Representing numbers, Equation Forms in Process Modeling, Introduction and Motivation, Linear and Nonlinear Algebraic Eq

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    • [DOC File]Maharaja Ganga Singh University

      Linear Algebra: K. Hoffman and R. Kunze (2009) Prentice-Hall. Finite Dimensional Vector Spaces: P. Halmos. (2012) Martino FineBooks. Introduction to Linear Algebra: G. Strang (2009) Wellesley CambridgePress. Linear Algebra done right: S. Axler (2014) Springer. Linear Algebra with applications: Bretscher (2012) Pearson

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      INDEX. Aakvik, A., 587n28. Abowd, J., 881n32. Abramovitz, M., 462n2, 583, 607, 1089n2, 1091, 1092, 1093. Abrevaya, J., 619, 721, 795. abrupt change in economic ...

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    • [DOCX File]Welcome to LNMIIT

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