Good conclusion paragraph starter

    • [PDF File]COMMENTARY STARTERS - Explication Central

      Conclusion The author has used the character ____w____ to show that __x__ is __y___. As a reader, we are meant to understand.... At the end of the story, the character has come to realize/understand.... When we come to the last paragraph of the story, the reader is meant to that __x’s__ decision to ___y__ was based upon ___z___. This is


      SENTENCE STARTERS: CLAIM, EVIDENCE, REASONING CLAIM Directly answer the question/ prompt. Sentence Starters I observed _____ when _____.


      Conclusion/Summary finally, in a word, in brief, briefly, in conclusion, in the end, in the final analysis, on the whole, thus, to conclude, to summarize, in sum, to sum up, in summary . Title: SENTENCE STARTERS FOR RESEARCH PAPERS Author: mbreton

    • Sentence starters and useful vocabulary

      Sentence starters and useful vocabulary 15 styles of writing Advertisements Biography Descriptive writing Diary writing Discursive writing Explanatory texts Information texts (non-chronological reports) Instructions and procedures Invitations Letter writing Narratives Newspaper reports

    • [PDF File]Persuasive Sentence Starters

      Persuasive Sentence Starters Introduction! I believe that . . .!I think that (the issue) is a really good idea. Although not everyone will agree, I want to !present the idea that . . .!I am concerned about . . .! Second Paragraph I have several reasons for thinking this, my first !being . . …

    • [PDF File]Useful Argumentative Essay Words and Phrases

      At the beginning of a paragraph which develops a new idea ... In the conclusion A table of signposting stems: These should be used as a guide and as a way to get you thinking about how you present the thread of your argument. You may need to adapt certain words and phrases for your own

    • [PDF File]Conclusions for an Informative Essay

      Conclusions for an Informative Essay The rubric states “Conclusion powerfully follows from and supports the information or explanation presented—while explaining the significance of the topics.” For a “4” your conclusion needs a little ... but word it differently than in your introduction paragraph. 2.

    • [PDF File]Argumentative Essay Examples Sentence Starters

      Argumentative,Essay,Conclusion, The$conclusion$of$an$argumentative$essay$should$have$two$parts:$a$restatement$of$your$thesis$ and$sentences$that$leave$the$reader$with ...

    • [PDF File]sentence starters summary - Lindsay High School English

      Summarizing Texts (written or spoken) Summarizing a Process Summarizing Ideas in a Textbook 1.) The section titled _____ is about... 2.) The main idea of the passage...

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