Good housekeeping tips and ideas

    • [DOC File]MS4 Program Evaluation Guidance - US EPA

      MS4 Program Evaluation Guidance. ... Pollution Prevention/Good Housekeeping for Municipal Operations. ... Often it is beneficial for permittees to share information, program ideas, educational tools or implementation approaches and annual reports are a good way to facilitate the distribution of ideas. 3.

      good housekeeping cleaning tips

    • [DOC File]Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan - template

      Type: Good housekeeping Eliminates or reduces exposure Management of runoff . Erosion prevention and sediment control Salt storage (if present) Source of pollution: Pollutants: Management method: Structural or non-structural: Type: Good housekeeping Eliminates or …

      good housekeeping tips & tricks

    • [DOC File]Script for Module 2: What is a SWPPP

      Slide 3: We’ll review the Good Housekeeping goals related to catch basins, shoulders & ditches, and outfalls. Slide 4: As we did in the last module, we’ll read each Good Housekeeping Goal as it’s written in the General Permit. Then we’ll review some background that …

      good housekeeping home

    • [DOC File]101 BOOKING IDEAS

      Choose at least 5 ideas and get going!! 1. Friends, relatives, neighbors, people you work with, people you once worked with, former classmates, people from your husband's job or organizations, recreation contacts - this is a way to get started.

      fast cleaning tips for housekeepers

    • [DOC File]Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template

      Describe the key good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) BMPs that will be implemented to control pollutants in stormwater. Categorize each good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) BMP under one of the following seven categories: 3.1 Material Handling and Waste Management. 3.2 Establish Proper Building Material Staging Areas

      good housekeeping cleaning

    • [DOC File]Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan Template

      Describe the key good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) measures that will be implemented to control pollutants in stormwater. Categorize each good housekeeping and pollution prevention (P2) BMP under one of the following 7 categories and follow the instructions to SWPPP Guide your description: Material Handling and Waste Management:

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