Good open ended question starters

    • [PDF File]Open Ended Questions - Bright from the Start

      Open-Ended Questions nk Using open-ended questions is a wonderful way to stretch children’s curiosity, reasoning ability, creativity and independence. Asking open-ended questions gives teachers an opportunity to see what a child is thinking and feel- ing. A question like, “What color is that block?” evokes a one word answer. An open-ended question such as, “Tell

    • [PDF File]Questions to provoke thinking and discussion

      question, encourage students to think about what makes a good society for all, as well as what we would need to survive. KS3 Curriculum Links: This card helps students understand wider issues arou nd space science which will support them in the ÒSpace physicsÓ topic. Prompt: Why, when we look through a telescope at things in space, are we seeing

    • Ended Questions All About Open-

      When a teacher asks an open-ended question, the focus of the conversation shifts from the teacher to the child. And while some children are used to this type of inquiry, others need practice to become comfortable verbalizing their thoughts and opinions. So, how can we help children develop the skills they need to answer open-ended questions?

    • [PDF File]90 Day New Hire Check-In Questions - Reviewsnap

      a good idea to start off with some open-ended, icebreaker questions. The ones below will make the new hire feel comfortable and encourage them to say what’s on their mind: How have your first three months on the job been? It’s a vague question but a nice way to start the conversation. This question compels the new


      GROWTH MINDSET . DISCUSSION QUESTIONS (taken/adpated from Mindset by Carol Dweck and other sources) 1. How did your parents and/or teachers praise you as you were growing up?

    • [PDF File]Tip Sheet: Ask Open-Ended Questions During Read Alouds

      questions during a read aloud. Answering open-ended questions: Encourages children to think more deeply about the book. Keeps children interested in the read aloud by giving them a reason to engage with the book. Encourages longer responses, which promotes children’s oral language development. Questions can be open or closed.

    • [PDF File]Common Questions in a LGBTQ Discussion

      good thing to talk about with your family or someone from your religion that you trust. There are LGBT people in every faith tradition around the world. There are many religious communities that welcome LGBT people. Common Questions in a LGBTQ Discussion, continued Common Questions in a LGBtQ DisCussion, paGe 2 of 5

    • [PDF File]Open-ended questions - Conversation Starters World

      Open-ended questions attempt to make the person who is answering the question give a more detailed and elaborate response. While almost any question can be answered in a few words, if you try hard enough, a good open-ended question tries to get around this. The opposite of open-ended questions are closed-ended questions. Check out our page on ...

    • Mealtime Conversation Starters

      Mealtime Conversation Starters ... asking open-ended questions, and allowing time for children to respond. Adults must be careful not to dominate the conversation and not interrupt children when they are having ... good. They grow in a garden like ours. What vegetables

    • [PDF File]Essential Questions in Teaching American History

      question to be analyzed and assessed by the class. Effective lessons do not merely cover information; they present students with major concepts and ideas and challenge students to think critically and take positions on open-ended essential questions. Here are some examples of essential questions for students of American history: 1.

    • [PDF File]Tuck Everlasting Chapter Discussion Questions

      Why do you think Jesse looks at the spring water as good, whereas Miles doesn’t seem so optimistic? What causes Winnie to feel such a comfort with the Tucks, as though they are her friends? What do you think the man in the yellow suit with do with the Tucks secret? Tuck Everlasting Chapter Discussion Questions Chapter 9-17 Chapter 9:

    • [PDF File]Coaching Questions & Sentence Stems to Support Open-Ended ...

      Coaching Questions & Sentence Stems to Support Open-Ended Dialogue Guiding Questions for Setting-Up a Coaching Cycle 1. What do you hope students will learn as a result of our coaching work? 2. What have you tried so far? 3. What would you like to see? 4. What does it look like if…? (“I can statements”) 5.


      Asking open ended questions is critical to keeping the conversation going and creating opportunity for the person to tell you stories about their life that could lead you to critical insights and ideas. A few tips to keep in mind: • Don’t try to ask all of these, prioritize based on your research goals.

    • [PDF File]MENTORING SCENARIOS - Lesley Petersen Consulting

      Asking Good Questions I have included two Questioning Models which I have developed to provide mentors (and ... provide a range of questions and question-starters which you can choose from as they suit the ... summarising, open-ended and closed. Although closed questions have a useful place in the communication process between people, use open ...

    • [PDF File]Tip Sheet: Ask Open-Ended Questions During Read Alouds

      Tip Sheet: Ask Open-Ended Questions During Read Alouds FOR PRESCHOOL TEACHERS One way to support children’s thinking is to ask a closed question first, and then follow up with an open-ended question. Asking a makes sure children are tracking what is happening in the book. Once they have a basic understanding, stretch their thinking with an ...

    • [PDF File]Socratic Seminar

      Student Handouts: Open-Ended Questions and/or Critical Reasoning Analysis Sheet, Discussion Partner Evaluation Purpose The purpose of a Socratic Seminar is to achieve a deeper understanding about the ideas and values in a text. In the Seminar, participants systematically question and examine issues and principles related to a particular content ...

    • [PDF File]Developing Opening, Guiding, and Closing Questions

      • Ask open-ended questions; don’t ask YES/NO questions. • Ask questions to which there are no right or wrong answers. • Regularly ask “Why?” “How do you know?” and “Why is this important?” to help participants expand their thoughts and responses.

    • [PDF File]Blooms Taxonomy questions

      Write three new titles for the story that would give a good idea what it was about. Create a poster to advertise the story so people will want to read it. Use your imagination to draw a picture about the story. Create a new product related to the story. Restructure the roles of the main characters to create new outcomes in the story.


      Question, Answer, Support and Insight Tips for Open-Ended Responses R Race: Simply restate the question when answering the prompt. This creates a familiarity with the text and also shows the test graders that the student is aware of what is being asked. A = Answer: Answer all parts of the question. If there are two

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