Grade 7 afrikaans past papers


      WEEK 7( ) Week 8( ) Week 9( ) CONTENT JUNE PAPERS: Reflection and. Re-teaching of problem areas. MAPS, PLANS & OTHER REPRESENTATIONS. Scales (given and own scale) Number scales. Bar Scales. Maps ( directions and point locations): Seating plans. Lay out plan. Street maps. Road and rail maps (national/provincial) Elevation maps. Strip charts

    • [DOCX File]Capulum College

      It is a good idea to redo Mathematics exercises and worksheets as well as work through past papers. ... Afrikaans Paper 1, 2hrs, (Comprehension, Language and Poem) ... World of work –choosing after to complete grade 9.


      Functional literacy (Grade 7 level) of people aged 20 and older by race, 2002. African Coloured Indian White 66.3% 75.2% 91.2% 99.2% Source: SA Institute of Race Relations. 2003/4. Flow-through rate. In 2001, only 19.3% of learners who started school in 1990, entered Grade 12, and only 4.7% passed well-enough to qualify for entry to tertiary study.

    • NAME

      The creature that inhabits the rounded, flattish shell is a vegetarian sea snail with a broad, muscular 'foot'. This foot anchors the snail to the rocks and enables it to withstand the strong buffeting of the waves. Perlemoen are found among most rocky reefs. The word 'perlemoen' comes from the Afrikaans word

    • [DOCX File]Muizenberg High

      Refer to English in Context / Yellow handbook / Notes in workbook / exam papers and memos (we did at least 3 during the year). Poetry notes. Novel – reread and learn notes – prepare for the contextual question. Drama – reread and learn notes – prepare for the essay question. Afrikaans. VRAESTEL 1 (80) TAAL/ BEGRIP/ OPSOMMING. Woordsoorte.

    • [DOCX File]Learning - A portal for classroom activities and events ...

      2.Using the accounting classifications in the box given below, complete the following table on your ANSWER SHEET.Use the abbreviations given to match the account and question number.

    • [DOCX File]Capulum College

      Afrikaans Paper 1, 2hrs, (Comprehension, Language) The language examination will include a comprehension with contextual questions. This is a skills based examination and the topics will be …

    • [DOCX File]Contents

      Choose two or three titles from past papers on this topic. Learners work in pairs to produce an outline for the essay. Study the mark scheme for this component (24 marks for quality of language and 16 for content). Discuss and improve some of the suggested outlines. Learners write up one essay.


      first entered a South African school in Grade 7 or a more senior grade; or. ... Sake Afrikaans, English, Sepedi; or (b) a language qualified as a Second (additional) Language, at the moment all eleven official languages and Business English and Sake Afrikaans. ... for all the examination papers must be combined with the term mark in a ratio of ...

    • [DOCX File]Grade 7 : Mathematics June Examination 2017 Memorandum

      Author: Benjamin Crombi Created Date: 05/27/2017 05:43:00 Title: Grade 7 : Mathematics June Examination 2017 Memorandum Last modified by: Bennet Tsotetsi

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