Grant management training

    • [DOCX File]Appendix D - Sample Budget and Justification - SAMHSA

      F. Contract: A contractual arrangement to carry out a portion of the programmatic effort or for the acquisition of routine goods or services under the grant. Such arrangements may be in the form of consortium agreements or contracts. A consultant is an individual retained to provide professional advice or services for a fee.

      courses on grant management

    • [DOC File]Sample Memorandum of Understanding (MS Word)

      Implement the human capital management system (HCMS), evaluation systems, performance-based compensation system (PBCS), and other project components described in the approved application. Participate, as requested, in any evaluations of this grant conducted by ED or by evaluators working at the request of the group; and

      federal grant management training courses

    • [DOC File]Grants Management Handbook

      Compliance with property management and reporting requirements. Record of participation in DHS&EM grant management training and/or conferences. Record of significant findings during a professional audit. Applications recommended for funding will be approved by …

      federal government grants management training

    • [DOC File]Manual - GHSA

      Identification and development of training for subrecipients to inform them of the monitoring requirements and how to prepare for monitoring (the Texas SHSO has a monitoring module in their annual grant management training and some States place the information in their …

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    • [DOCX File]Introduction to EPA Grants

      The National Policy, Training and Compliance Division (NPTCD) in the Office of Grants and Debarment (OGD) is EPA’s National Program Manager for grants. Its role is to: Develop policies and procedures to ensure proper grant management. Train EPA grant management staff

      grant management certification training

    • [DOCX File]Managing a Grant - US EPA

      Welcome to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Office of Grants and Debarment’s (OGD) “Managing a Grant” training module. This module provides grant recipients with guidelines and information about managing an EPA grant in accordance with EPA’s grant regulations and the terms and conditions of the award.

      grants management certification courses


      May 22, 2019 · § 2 PROGRAM AND GRANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS Author: Elledge, Sandy Elledge Last modified by: Simon, Darcee Created Date: 12/5/2018 8:09:00 PM Company: oesc Other titles § 2 PROGRAM AND GRANT MANAGEMENT SYSTEMS

      free online grant management training

    • [DOCX File]Global Grant Vocational Training Team Member Application

      Global Grant Vocational Training Team Member Application. Each proposed member of the vocational training team must complete this form in its entirety. The team leader will upload it to the grant application in the Grant Center. Please do not submit this form directly to The Rotary Foundation. PERSONAL INFORMATION.

      grant management training workshops

    • [DOCX File]1-1

      Jun 01, 2013 · GRANT. S. MANAGEMENT. GUIDANCE \ ... Manual and existing systems indicate any weakness in the sub-grantee's financial management system, additional staff or training for existing staff may be necessary.. 3. Compliance Responsibility. Because mitigation is a federally funded program, it is subject to a number of federal laws, directives and ...

      courses on grant management

    • [DOC File]COR 432 Grant Post-Award management manual.

      COR 432 Grant Post-Award management manual. Subject: A training manual for management of post-award grants for Oklahoma agencies using the PeopleSoft system. Author: Jeanie Robards Keywords: Oklahoma, State of Oklahoma, grant, post-award, management, CORE, peoplesoft, training manual, cor osf, office of state finance Last modified by: Debra Baker

      federal grant management training courses

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