Greek mythology family tree chart

    • [DOC File]Houston Independent School District

      Discuss KWL chart. Discovery Education video introducing mythology. Discuss video and the purpose of myths. Read the Beginning of the World passage and complete graphic organizer. Create Mini-book. 2nd Half. Create Greek mythology family tree. Work on noun foldable. Teacher reading: The Lightening Thief. Homework: Study Vocab words 13-24 . Noun ...

      greek gods family tree printable

    • [DOC File]Reading - Cre8ive Technology Associates

      Students will read and learn about Greek mythology as well as ancient Greek history. M. ... Family Education Network—Math Splat . ... Students are able to find out about historic events in article format and in chart form. There is a link for teachers at the top. UE M H

      greek mythology family tree pdf

    • [DOCX File]Humble Independent School District

      -12 and create a T-chart tracking matriarchal and patriarchal characteristics. 9/5. Trojan War- Read and take Cornell notes; quiz Friday. Student portfolio due. H. W: Read . M & Y. p. 17-38 and create a Greek family tree. 9/8. Assign god/goddess research assignment. Library Orientation and Research. H. W: Make . connections and

      greek mythology family tree worksheet

    • [DOC File]D

      Mythological Chart: In these materials you will find a chart outlining the Olympian gods (Greek & Roman) with important information about each one. You are required to know this material by committing all elements of these characters to memory. There will be a quiz on all info from the chart …

      greek mythology genealogy chart


      Grade 6: Greek God Family Tree Assignment. A family tree is an interesting and organized way to show relationships between the people that make up a family. It is a type of chart that can represent many generations of people in one family. The chart is organized so that older generations are on top (such as grandma and grandpa), and newer or ...

      children of greek gods and goddesses

    • [DOCX File]Study Guide for Edith Hamilton’s Mythology

      the Greek and Roman names of the gods or goddesses, their family tree (i.e. Artemis is the daughter of Leto and Zeus, and twin sister to Apollo, she's an eternal maiden and never marries, and she has no …

      zeus family tree chart

    • [DOC File]Ninth Grade Honors English 2010-11

      (Greek and Roman names). Include the . characteristics . and . realm. of each as well as any . symbols or animals. associated with each. Create a chart like the one below as a visual representation of this information. An interesting addition is to include the relationships among the gods by creating a family tree or adding an additional column.

      large genealogy wall charts

    • [DOC File]IROQUOIS

      The Greek gods had supernatural powers, but also human emotions. Give examples of both. Give examples of how the Greeks honored their gods. Make a family tree of the Greek gods. Who is related to whom? How about today? Who are the ancestors of the Greeks, according to them? 4.

      greek mythology gods family tree

    • [DOCX File]Mr. Chau’s Socials 7 Ancient Greece Unit

      Hand out a list of Greek Gods and in their groups + electronic devices construct a family tree onto the provided chart paper. (20minutes) 10 minutes Closure: Reconvene with the class and check their answers by drawing out the correct family tree step by step.

      greek gods family tree printable

    • [DOC File]UNIT PLAN: The Greek world

      • Drawing maps to show Greek expansion • Completing a chart to show differences between citizens and non-citizens • Researching different topics: life in Athens, religion, sport, and important figures • Comparing sculptures from different periods in Greek history • Analyzing a building and a sculpture. C.- …

      greek mythology family tree pdf

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