Group curriculum for kids

    • [DOC File]Stress Management Curriculum

      Stress Management Curriculum. Lesson 1. What Is Stress? Purposes: 1. What is stress? 2. Causes of stress. 3. Relaxation technique – stretching exercise. Content. What is Stress? Teacher begins the class by describing to the students the following picture. "You are walking down a dark alley at night, all alone, and you forget your glasses.

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      $55.00 Curriculum or $110 to include kit. River’s Edge Curriculum . Downloadable Option . Dr. Jones in a Foreign Land. Elementary. 9-week unit. River’s Edge Curriculum $55.00 Curriculum or $110 to include kit. Downloadable Option. Discipleship Junction. Ages 6-11Eight titles. 13 ...

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    • [DOC File]Resources for Social Skills Groups

      The following is a list of resources for teaching social skills to children from preschool age through high school. These resources are appropriate for both group and individual therapy. Ages/grades listed below are approximate; some materials are appropriate across ages. For a recommended “starter kit” of materials, see items that are bolded.

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    • [DOC File]Transition Group Topics

      Aug 10, 2009 · The following group curriculum is designed to support 8th grade General Education students transitioning to high school. This curriculum is intended to target the social, emotional, and logistical needs of these students, and offer a safe space for them to explore their thoughts and feelings.

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      RELAPSE PREVENTION PLAN WORKSHEET. DRUGS. A relapse prevention plan is a tool to help you as you continue your life free from drugs. The following questions will help you examine your past behavior and how you overcame your dependence on drugs.

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    • [DOC File]Grief Curriculum: Helping Children Grieving the Loss of a ...

      The curriculum lends itself to being used in a faith-based setting, emphasizing that Jesus is the ultimate healer and encouraging discussion about Heaven and what it means to die. The retreat length could be altered to be longer or shorter, however; it has been suggested that four days is the optimum length for children in this age group.

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    • [DOC File]Rubric for Group Activity or Group Project

      Group seldom solves its problems as a team and asks classmates or teacher for help Does almost as much work as others. Assigns roles, but roles are not adhered to . Often sides with friends instead of considering all views. Sometimes argues. Group settles problems and gives up easily Does less work than other group members

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    • [DOC File]Week of: - Home - Teaching Strategies

      Family Partnerships: We would like to invite a family or community member to help make applesauce or apple bread with the children during small-group time on Wednesday. Next week, we would be grateful to have family or community member to visit the classroom to talk about how to care for trees.

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    • [DOC File]Group Dynamics/Counseling

      The curriculum is to incorporate a 5-8 week group. Your curriculum must include: (1) title of the group curriculum ;( 2) lesson-plan format for each weekly session (i.e., supplies needed, purpose of each session, goal(s) of each session, a description of the activities of each session) and (3) process questions for the session, and (4 ...

      free online curriculum for kids

    • [DOCX File]Lesson Plan : Healthy Relationships

      Apr 14, 2005 · Group 3: Teacher/Mentor – Student. Group 4: Friend-Friend. On large paper have participants write the characteristics of what a healthy and unhealthy relationship would look like. Return to the group and see how different “relationships” vary with what behavior is healthy.

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