Hard small bumps on skin

    • [DOC File]Pituitary Dwarf Skin Conditions


      Molluscum contagiosum is a skin infection. It is caused by a virus. Molluscum causes small bumps (lesions) to appear on the skin. Most of them are less than half an inch in diameter. They have a hard white core. Some lesions have a small dent or dimple in the center. The lesions are the same color as normal skin…

      hard red bumps on face

    • [DOC File]New Mexico AIDS InfoNet


      hard thickened skin on the bottom of his foot that hurts and looks like a small fleshy growth. Plantar wart liquid nitrogen can be used to freeze off. red welts on skin, itching or burning sensation, swelling. …

      hard white bumps on skin

    • [DOC File]Ball, Patricia


      Melanoma is the most serious type of skin cancer. Cancer cells grow and divide often making a lump or bump which is called a tumor. Melanoma can spread to other healthy parts of the body if not …

      red hard bump on skin

    • [DOC File]Derm Geri Clinic Melanoma - Veterans Affairs


      These are bumps or small nodules under the skin which are usually caused by bacteria and/or yeast infections, papules are the result of tissue infiltration by inflammatory cells. Papules don’t contain pus but appear as small solid lumps …

      hard bumps under skin on face

    • [DOC File]Name:


      Hard, irregular lumps can occur with transplanted tissue, usually close to the incisions. These lumps are fat necroses (fat that did not survive the transfer process that is curled into a hardened ball).

      hard red bump on hand

    • [DOCX File]Central Texas Allergy & Asthma


      Keratosis pilaris is a common skin condition in which a protein in the skin called keratin forms hard plugs within hair follicles. Symptoms include small bumps that look like "goose bumps" on the …

      hard skin bump on leg

    • Hard Red Bumps on the Skin | LEAFtv

      Keratosis pilaris results in small bumps on the skin that are rough. They are skin colored bumps that are surrounded by a slight pink color. These tiny hard bumps are very seldom sore or itchy.

      hard red bumps on leg

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