Harvard undergraduate program

    • Curriculum Vitae - Harvard University

      IQSS Undergraduate Research Scholars Program ($1,000). Fall 2016. The Institute for . Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University. IQSS Undergraduate Research Scholars Program ($1,000). Spring 2016. The Institute for . Quantitative Social Science, Harvard University. Jr. Faculty Research Assistance Grant ($2,500). Spring 2016. Graduate ...

      harvard bachelor degrees

    • [DOCX File]uraf.harvard.edu


      FROM THE HERCHEL-SMITH HARVARD SELECTION COMMITTEE . Applicant Name: This student is submitting an application to the Herchel Smith-Harvard Undergraduate Science Research Program. Recipients of this prestigious award are selected on the basis of a compelling, well-designed, full-time research project of at least ten weeks duration in the summer ...

      harvard graduate programs

    • [DOC File]Rating for thesis of_________________________________________


      Computer Science 91r Project Form. CS91r, Supervised Reading and Research, is a letter-graded course. The CS Director of Undergraduate Studies (DUS) is the instructor officially “offering” the course for registration purposes, but de facto the course is supervised instruction of an individual student by an individual faculty member.

      harvard university degrees



      The Biophysics Program at Harvard University aims to train graduate students focused at the interface of physical and biological sciences. The Biophysics Graduate Program seeks to attract students who have strong undergraduate backgrounds in quantitative sciences (especially physics and mathematics) and who are interested in a deep dive into ...

      harvard undergraduate degrees list

    • [DOC File]Relocation Policy


      This policy is intended to apply to House-sponsored events, to events that are sponsored by House Committees and held within the House, to requests for access to House space by recognized Harvard undergraduate organizations, and to House-based events sponsored by Harvard University departments (e.g., the Harvard Foundation, Phillips Brooks ...

      harvard undergraduate majors

    • [PDF File]Elisa New - Harvard University


      Service to the Undergraduate Program: Director of Undergraduate Studies, Harvard University, Fall 2001-2005. Undergraduate Chair, University of Pennsylvania, 1996-???? including: re-design of Kings Program, revamping of major requirements and concentrations; and service on all committees (executive, gec, uec, search) connected to the executive

      harvard undergraduate courses

    • [DOCX File]re-PhD and PhD-MD Programs - Morgan State University ...


      The North Shore-LIJ Healthcare Management Program is an extensive 8-week internship program in which undergraduate students with a record of outstanding academic achievement and leadership capabilities will gain exposure to the roles and responsibilities of hospital or healthcare administrators.

      harvard majors list

    • [DOCX File]Harvard University


      This tool is designed to help you keep track of your progress and organize a potential plan for your eight terms of study. We suggest you review the outline of the Harvard College curriculum, including a detailed account of the course requirements for the undergraduate degree, then begin filling out the worksheets below. Overall Credit Requirement:

      harvard university undergraduate courses

    • [DOCX File]Harvard DRCLAS RO


      10 Harvard Undergraduate students will be participating in the two-month internship program at local institutions. Harvard Summer School. Monday, June 3 – Friday, July 26. 12 Harvard Undergraduate students will participate in this year’s HSS course, “Cultural Immersion and Public Health in Santiago, Chile” with Professor Adriana Gutiérrez

      harvard bachelor degrees

    • Sandra Naddaff - Comparative literature

      Director of Undergraduate Studies, Comparative Literature, Harvard University, 1992- Directs the undergraduate program in Comparative Literature (formerly the. Literature concentration). Oversees and advises the programs of all. undergraduates in the department. Develops curriculum and . pedagogy. Formulates policy related to program and ...

      harvard graduate programs

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