Heritage bank job openings

    • [DOC File]www.jerseyheritage.org


      Self-development: Jersey Heritage encourages all staff to develop and undertake training relevant to their field of work. Selection and Recruitment Procedures. Jersey Heritage appoints on merit. Short listing is carried out objectively by assessing the information you provide against the requirements of the job as set out in the role profile.

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    • [DOC File]www.jerseyheritage.org


      Jersey Heritage’s standard full time working hours are 1950 hours per annum which equates to a standard 37.5 hours per week. However, Site Gardien roles work to a rota. The rota follows a pattern of ‘4 days on’, ‘2 days off’ (or 2 days on, 4 days off!) during the main visitor season which is from Easter to the end of October ...

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    • [DOC File]Jersey Heritage - Discover our Island story


      Self-development: Jersey Heritage encourages all staff to develop and undertake training relevant to their field of work. Selection and Recruitment Procedures. Jersey Heritage appoints on merit. Short listing is carried out objectively by assessing the information you provide against the requirements of the job as set out in the role profile.

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    • [DOC File]U


      Network is teaming up with World Bank Development projects to create jobs. ... job openings are posted at www.jobbank.gc.ca. ... A heritage tour at the …

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