History of computer languages

    • [PDF File]History of Programming Languages


      Used to program his Z4 computer Introduced: the assignment operation if’s (but no else’s) loops. Vladimir Vacic, University of California at Riverside 4 Fortran 1954-57, J. Backus Numeric computing Introduced: Parameter pass by value ... Tree of programming languages history.

    • [PDF File]Programming Languages - Computer Science


      UNC Chapel Hill Brandenburg — Spring 2010 02: Programming Languages COMP 524: Programming Language Concepts A Brief History of Modern Computing Early computers required rewiring. For example, ENIAC (Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, 1946)

    • [PDF File]Chapter 1 History of Computers - FTMS College


      History of Computers The Second Generation • Second-generation computers moved from cryptic binary machine language to symbolic, or assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. • Second-generation computers still relied on punched cards for input and printouts for output.

    • [PDF File]The next 700 programming languages


      1,700 special programming languages used to 'com- municate' in over 700 application areas."--Computer Software Issues, an American Mathematical Association Prospectus, July 1965.

    • [PDF File]Programming - Computer Science Department at Princeton ...


      – leads to programming languages • it's hard to manage the resources of the computer • hard to control sequences of operations • in ancient times, high cost of having machine be idle • therefore, enlist machines to do some of the work – leads to operating systems Evolution of programming languages • 1940's: machine level

    • [PDF File]Chapter 2 Programming Languages


      Programming Languages Comparisson Machine Language Assembly Language High-level Languages Time to execute Since it is the basic language of the computer, it does not require any translation, and hence ensures better machine efficiency. This means the programs run faster. A program called an ‘assembler’ is required to convert the program

    • [PDF File]CHAPTER Introduction to Computers and Programming


      4 Chapter 1 Introduction to Computers and Programming Figure 1-3 The ENIAC computer (courtesy of U.S. Army Historic Computer Images) Figure 1-4 A lab technician holds a modern microprocessor (photo courtesy of Intel Corporation) Main Memory You can think of main memoryas the computer’s work area.This is where the computer stores a program while the program is running, as well as the data ...

    • [PDF File]History of Programming Languages


      History of Programming Languages ... (IBM 704) - first computer with floating point math • FORTRAN IV (1962, ANSI standard in 1966) the most used Programming languages for scientific computations till 1978! Then FORTRAN 77 (ANSI 1978) • Still used for scientific calculations



      July 4, 2006). Computer languages, also known as programming languages, share certain similarities to constructed languages. However, most computer languages are context-free, meaning “a sentence written in the computer language can be analyzed to find its grammati-cal construction without any need to understand the meaning of the words.”

    • [PDF File]A Short History of Computing - Harding University


      A Short History of Computing Dr. Frank McCown Harding University Computer Science Dept Photos were obtained from the Web, and copyright is held by the respective owners. Short History of Computing by Frank McCown is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License

    • [PDF File]Lecture 03 - Bits Bytes and Data Types


      Computer Languages A computer language is a language that is used to communicate with a machine. Like all languages, computer languages have syntax (form) and semantics (meaning). High level languages such as Java are designed to make the process of programming easier, but

    • [PDF File]History of Computer Hardware and Software Development


      COMPUTER SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING – History of Computer Hardware and Software Development – Arthur Tatnall ©Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS) HISTORY OF COMPUTER HARDWARE AND SOFTWARE ... needed to be made usable by the development of programming languages, operating systems, user interfaces, techniques for storing data and new ...

    • [PDF File]History of Programming Languages - Department of Computer ...


      History of Programming Languages ... For more than half of the fifty years computer programmers have been writing code, O’Reilly has provided developers with comprehensive, in-depth technical information. We’ve kept pace with rapidly changing technologies as new languages have emerged, developed, and

    • [PDF File]History History of Programming Languages


      History • Early History : The first programmers • The 1940s: Von Neumann and Zuse ... binary digital computer, the Z1. He completed the first fully functional program-controlled electromechan- ... Languages) developed a programming language by the name of COBOL CMSC 331.

    • [PDF File]IT Lec 1 History of Computers - Home - Information Technology


      assembly, languages, which allowed programmers to specify instructions in words. High-level programming languages were also being developed at this time, such as early versions of COBOL and FORTRAN. These were also the first computers that stored their instructions in their memory, which moved from a magnetic drum to magnetic core technology.

    • [PDF File]Brief History of Computer Systems, Software, and Programming


      computer can be given using different programming languages. These languages have evolved over time. History of Computing The earliest device to keep track of calculations was an abacus. It was used around 50 BC and was very popular in Asia. A popular form of abacus is shown below. Figure 2: An 1abacus.

    • [PDF File]Programming Languages Overview & Syntax


      Low-level languages mirror the physical machine: » Assembly, C, Fortran High-level languages model an abstract machine with useful capabilities: » ML, Setl, Prolog, SQL, Haskell Wide-spectrum languages try to do both: » Ada, C++, Java, C# High-level languages have garbage collection, are often interpreted, and cannot be used for

    • [PDF File]Programming Languages: A History


      Computer pioneer Kenneth E. Iverson won ACM’s prestigious Turing Award in 1979 for his seminal contributions to computer programming languages. While at IBM, Iverson invented APL (which stands for “a programming language”). Designed originally as a notation for the concise expression of mathematical algorithms, APL was developed

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