Home test for cocaine powder

    • [DOC File]Name:


      Pure cocaine powder is often diluted or “cut” by mixing it with other white powders, such as cornstarch, flour, powdered milk, crushed vitamins, aspirin, or other white, powdered drugs. ... click the home button, reset the lab, click Begin the Lab, and proceed to the sections below. Part 2: Test for Starch ... Test for starch by adding ...

      white powder cocaine

    • [DOC File]Unit 2


      1. Patrolman Pete testifies he stopped the defendant Shernott Home and found a package of white powder on his person. He testifies that he turned the package over to the police lab. The prosecutor then seeks to introduce a package of cocaine into evidence, saying it is the package that was found on Home…

      how to get cocaine powder

    • [DOC File]Colonial Risk Management


      COCAINE - is a stimulant drug, which increases heart rate and blood pressure. As a powder, Cocaine is inhaled (snorted), ingested, or injected. It is known as “coke”, “snow”, “nose candy” and “lady”. Cocaine is also used in a free- base form known as “crack” or “the rock” which is smoked.

      green cocaine powder



      Cocaine powder forms the base of freebase cocaine. Freebase cocaine has a low melting point, so it can be smoked. It is made by dissolving powder cocaine in water and a strong alkaloid solution such as ammonia. Then, a highly flammable solvent like ether is added, and a solid cocaine base separates out from the solution.

      powder cocaine vs crack cocaine

    • [DOC File]Slide No - Maine


      Cocaine stimulates the central nervous system. Its immediate effects include dilated pupils and elevated blood pressure, heart rate, respiratory rate and body temperature. Cocaine use can lead to death by cardiac arrest or respiratory failure. Cocaine powder is sniffed or snorted. The euphoric high lasts for approximately 30 minutes.

      how to rock powder cocaine

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