Homeopathic treatment for vaginal dryness

    • How long does it take to get rid of vaginal dryness?

      An effective and safe treatment, low-dose local estrogen applied directly to the vagina relieves vaginal dryness and discomfort with sexual activity. Improvements usually occur within a few weeks or months with consistent use.

    • Do hot flashes treat vaginal dryness?

      Systemic estrogen therapy provided for treatment hot flashes also treats vaginal dryness, although some women still benefit from additional low-dose vaginal hormone treatment. If only vaginal symptoms are present, low-dose vaginal hormone treatments are recommended.

    • What is the best vaginal cream?

      Estrace or Premarin vaginal cream (0.5-1 g placed in vagina 2-3 times/wk: generic available). Estring (small, flexible estradiol ring placed in vagina and changed every 3 mo: 7.5 μg/d). Vagifem (estradiol tablet placed in vagina twice/wk, 10 μg: generic available). Imvexxy (estradiol softgel insert placed in vagina twice/wk: 4 μg, 10 μg).

    • What is the best vaginal estrogen therapy?

      Vaginal estrogen therapy (prescription required). Estrace or Premarin vaginal cream (0.5-1 g placed in vagina 2-3 times/wk: generic available). Estring (small, flexible estradiol ring placed in vagina and changed every 3 mo: 7.5 μg/d). Vagifem (estradiol tablet placed in vagina twice/wk, 10 μg: generic available).

    • [PDF File]Recommendations for the management of postmenopausal vaginal ...


      Vaginal dryness can be helped by simple lubricants but the best and most logical treatment for urogenital atrophy is to use local estrogen. This is safe, effective and with few contraindications.

    • [PDF File]Vaginal Dryness - North American Menopause Society


      Dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA; prasterone) is a hormone-containing insert placed in the vagina nightly that reduces vaginal dryness and discomfort with sexual activity.

    • [PDF File]Vaginal Dryness - The Menopause Charity


      treatments for vaginal dryness, that can be taken alongside HRT if necessary, and some remedies are available over the counter. Treatments for vaginal dryness Local estrogen Because these symptoms are due to a lack of estrogen, a very effective solution is to put estrogen directly on the affected area. This is known as ‘local’

    • [PDF File]#1 Vag Dryness in Menopausal Women Bachman


      We investigated 89 peri- menopausal and postmenopausal women com- plaining of the symptoms of vaginal dryness, including itching, burning, irritation, pressure, and dyspareunia, and the effects of two nonhor- monal vaginal preparations (a water-based lubri- cant and a new polycarbophil-based vaginal moisturizer).

    • [PDF File]Vaginal Dryness - North American Menopause Society


      Nonhormonal remedies Vaginal lubricants reduce discomfort with sexual activity when the vagina is dry by decreasing friction. Water-soluble products are advised, because the oil in some products may cause vaginal irritation.

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