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      word list memory task (immediate recall) This is a memory task for assessing word list recall. The task involves presenting the subject with a list of 10 high-frequency, high-imagery words which are read to him at a constant rate of 1 word every 2 seconds.

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      Model non-aggressive behavior: (by maintaining self-control we invite students to do the same). 69. For power and revenge behaviors at the initial “rumbling stage”, make a graceful exit: acknowledge the student’s power, calmly remind of choices and consequences, remove the audience, table the matter, make a date to talk, agree with the ...

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    • [DOC File]Course Syllabus Template

      Students are expected to attend all class sessions as listed on the course calendar. *Enter specific points regarding attendance policy here. Participate *If you monitor, track, and/or score student participation, explain how you will keep track and how often students should be accessing the course.

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    • [DOC File]Discipline Paragraphs

      Today, I came to class without (fill in the blank). I will get better at bringing my materials to class in the future. Doing Nothing: When a teacher calls a student name or asks them to get on task, a common response from students is, “I’m not doing anything.” Well, that just may be the problem; they are doing nothing when they are ...

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    • [DOC File]Student Information Sheet

      Title: Student Information Sheet Author: default Last modified by: default Created Date: 8/4/2007 7:56:00 PM Company: Bibb BOE Other titles: Student Information Sheet

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    • [DOC File]Message to Employees: Distribute by e-mail, letter, flyer etc

      Make plans to care for sick household members or for children if schools dismiss students or child care programs close. Be prepared in case you get sick and need to stay home. Have the following items on hand: a supply of fever-reducing medicines that contain acetaminophen or ibuprofen, alcohol-based hand cleaners, tissues, and other items that ...

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    • [DOC File]Doing a mass printing of certificates and other documents ...

      The buttons that are faded out are not available to you until you get to certain steps in the Mail Merge process. You can always go back and re-click buttons you’ve already clicked to edit info or change your options. The first button on the left of the Mail Merge Toolbar is called . Main Document Setup. Click on that, choose . Normal Word ...

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    • [DOCX File]Survey Results Report Template

      [Type the abstract of the document here. The abstract is typically a short summary of the contents of the document. Type the abstract of the document here.

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    • [DOC File]Student Interest Inventory

      Free Time: My favorite things to do on the weekend are: My favorite things to do after school are: Entertainment: My favorite television show is: My favorite movie is: My favorite type of music is: General: The thing I like most about myself is: The thing I like least about myself is: The thing I do best is: The thing I do the worst is: Family ...

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    • [DOCX File]Education and Career Plan Template

      Where can I get this education or training? F. STUDENT EDUCATION AND CAREER PLAN - CAREER EXPLORATION (cont.) Job Title. Average Annual Salary. Job Duties. This job matches my interests, job values and skills in the following ways: What training or education do I need for this job?

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