Impact factor of scientific reports

    • [DOC File]Impact Factors in Exercise and Sports Science and Medicine ...

      The impact factor represents the number of citations that a journal’s average recent (2005-2006) article received in all 2007 journal articles. The factors are compiled by Thomson Scientific and published as Journal Citation Reports each year around June-July. Access to the reports is possible only via an institutional subscription.

      sci rep impact factor

    • [DOC File]Appendix 1: The Journal Selection Process

      For a discussion of the limitations of the impact factor, see Linde (1998), Nisonger (1994), and Starbuck (1997). The tables below report the impact factor and rank based on impact factor for the top x journals in each discipline, where x is the number of target journals. Blanks indicate that the impact factor was not calculated for that journal.

      nature scientific reports impact factor

    • [DOC File]Scientific journal

      Scientific journals contain articles that have been peer reviewed, in an attempt to ensure that articles meet the journal's standards of quality, and scientific validity. ... Other types of articles, such as case reports, reviews, and editorials, are likely to need other formats. ... impact factor is a convenient proxy, measuring the number of ...

      scientific report journal impact factor

    • Assessing the Value of Team Science:

      Average number of coauthors per publication and average journal impact factor per publication were assessed as indicators of collaboration and scientific impact, respectively. With the exceptions of years one and ten, the TTURC group had higher average numbers of co-authors on publications per year (M =6.04, SD=3.44) than both the LR01 (M

      scientific reports if

    • [DOC File]Impact Factors of Journals in Sport and Exercise Science 2004

      You can access complete citation data at Thomson Scientific's Web of Knowledge, if your institution has a subscription. In my report for impact factors in 2003, I noted that the typical change in the impact factor between years was ~±0.3.

      scientific reports submission

    • [DOCX File]Evaluating the Impact of NLM-Funded Research Grants:

      Scientific publications are a common outcome of NLM-funded informatics research, but the production of publications alone cannot ensure impact. As one measure of use, citation analysis could represent a viable indicator of research grant impact.

      impact factor list

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