Information about sports medicine

    • [DOCX File]MCLA

      The student-athlete’s documentation from the prescribing physician to the sports medicine staff should contain a minimum of the following information to help ensure that ADHD has been diagnosed and is being managed appropriately (see Attachment for physician letter criteria): a.

    • [DOC File]1Med_Clear_Packet_07_08.doc - WPI Athletics

      NWAC Sports Medicine Advisory Council PresidentIntercollegiate Council of Sports Medicine Representative for the National Athletic Trainers Association. *This document will be shared with member college presidents next week. NWAC 2021-2022 TRAVEL INFORMATION (Update 9/1/21)

    • Sports Medicine Official Site of Centenary Colle…

      To the Examining Physician: Please review the student-athletes history and complete the physician’s form. Please comment on all positive answers. The information supplied will be used as a background for providing health care. This information is strictly for Sports Medicine and will not be released without the students consent.

    • [DOCX File]

      Please follow the step by step instructions that are listed below to gain medical clearance for this sports season. These instructions should make the process easy for you. If at any time, you have any questions please email The Director of Sports Medicine; Chris Noyes at Step 1: Log onto your . Sportsware. portal

    • [DOCX File]

      From: Sports Medicine Department. To: Coaches and Student-Athletes. A reminder to all student-athletes who want to play a varsity sport at Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts must have a Physical Examination (PE) by a Physician 6 months prior to the first practice day of the season.

    • [DOCX File]Sample Constitution - Westfield State University

      If any information and/or statements are false and/or have been omitted in reference to my past and/or present medical history, I understand and acknowledge that my health and physical welfare may be jeopardized as a result and that I may suffer physical harm.

    • [DOCX File]Shaw Athletics

      Sports Medicine. Sport Participation Medical . Clearance Instructions . 1. Introduction. Thank you for considering participation in Lasell University athletics. In accordance with the rules set forth by the NCAA and the Lasell University Department of Athletics, before sport participation, you …

    • [DOCX File]Fall 2021-2022 COVID-19 Health & Safety Protocols - …

      Complete the Medical Alerts, Allergies and Medications sections. If you can’t find the information in the drop down box, you can type info in the boxes. If you these don’t apply to you, write “None”. Hit the “Save Athlete Information” button. After completing the Athlete Information Section, six more tabs appear.

    • [DOCX File]

      Section 1:To provide the students with information concerning the sports medicine field and its various related professions. Section 2:To allow the students various service learning and civic engagement opportunities through at least one (1) service project and one (1) …

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