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    • [DOCX File]Introduction - OASIS Open

      The example above makes use of a node type tosca.nodes.DBMS.MySQL for the mysql node template to install MySQL on a server. This node type allows for setting a property root_password to adapt the password of the MySQL root user at deployment. The set of properties and their schema has been defined in the node type definition. By means of the

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    • [DOC File]University of Maryland - UBalt

      As of June 21, 2016, The University utilizes an Ubuntu Linux based Virtual Private Server running NodeJS; the versions are 16.04*** and 4.4.5*** respectively. Load balancing services are provided by NginX version 1.10***.

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    • [DOCX File]TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.1

      04 October 2017. Specification URIs. This version: ... Example 12 - An abstract Compute node template with a node filter25. ... an orchestration engine would first invoke the ‘create’ operation on the database component to install and configure the database, and it would then invoke the ‘create’ operation of the web application to ...

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    • [DOCX File]OASIS

      TOSCA Version 2.0. Working Draft 03, Revision 07. 6 September 2020 (URIs removed) Technical Committee: OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA

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    • [DOC File]TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0

      18 Using attributes implicitly reflected from properties 50. Appendix A. TOSCA Simple Profile definitions in YAML 52. A.1 TOSCA namespace and alias 52. A.2 Parameter and property types 52. A.3 Normative values 61. A.4 TOSCA Metamodel 62. A.5 Reusable modeling definitions 63. A.6 Type-specific definitions 79. A.7 Template-specific definitions 92

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    • [DOC File]

      Committee Specification Draft 05 / Public Review Draft 02. 04 February 2016. Specification URIs. This version: ...

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    • [DOCX File]OASIS

      TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0. Committee Specification Draft 05 /Public Review Draft 02. 04 February 2016. Specification URIs. This version: http://docs ...

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    • [DOC File]TOSCA Simple Profile in YAML Version 1.0

      This document defines a simplified profile of the TOSCA version 1.0 specification in a YAML rendering which is intended to simplify the authoring of TOSCA service templates. This profile defines a less verbose and more human-readable YAML rendering, reduced level of indirection between different modeling artifacts as well as the assumption of a base type system.

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    • [DOC File]УДК 681 - ELARTU

      The average net profit margin rose more than 5 percent during the 12 months ending December 30, 2014, a fairly significant increase over the 2 or 3 percent margin the industry achieved in recent years. ... УДК 004.04. Ю.Б. Гладьо канд. техн наук, доц. Р.Б. Галабайда ... Crossroads 18: 2 2011 48–48.

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    • [DOCX File]

      TOSCA Version 2.0. Working Draft 01, Revision 10. 15 April 2020. Technical Committee: OASIS Topology and Orchestration Specification for Cloud Applications (TOSCA) TC. Chairs: Pau

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