Intercultural communication article

    • What are some challenges of intercultural communication?

      Communication across cultures can be a challenge, especially if you’re not accustomed to working with people from other cultures. First, in order to effectively communicate with people of other cultures, there is a fundamental aspect you must be aware of which is understanding differences.

    • What are the benefits of intercultural communication?

      Intercultural communication offers the ability to deal across cultures, which is increasingly important, as the world gets smaller. Getting smaller doesn't mean the world is becoming identical, it means having more and more contact with people who are culturally different.

    • What is the definition of intercultural communication?

      Intercultural communication is all about being receptive to new information without a bias to be able to make the most of that information. Ethnocentricism means feeling that one's values are more superior to that of others. The superiority complex hinders communication to a large extent.

    • Ideology, Identity, and Intercultural Communication: An ...

      Cultural identity is a ubiquitous concept in intercultural communication and across social science disciplines. Based on a review of a broad range of literature addressing issues of cultural identity, this article describes how the pluralistic turn in ideology in American society at large and the blurring of boundaries between academic research and

    • [PDF File]The Evolution of Intercultural Communicative Competence - ed

      sections will draw on recent theoretical perspectives in intercultural education research to provide insight into these matters, in addition to considering how this research can inform pedagogical approaches which promote learners’ ability to navigate the challenges of intercultural communication in our contemporary world.

    • [PDF File]Barriers to Intercultural Communication - SAGE Publications Inc

      This chapter begins a series of chapters focused on recognizing and avoiding breakdowns in intercultural communication. In this chapter, you’ll read about ethnographic and cultural approaches and then examine anxiety, assum- ing similarity instead of difference, and ethnocentrism as barriers to effective intercultural communication.

    • Workplace diversity and intercultural communication: A ...

      Participants in this study were asked to describe professional and intercultural experiences through interactions with non-native English-speaking coworkers, any expectations of the interactions or violations of those expectations, and any miscommunications that may have occurred.

    • [PDF File]Teaching the Communication Course: Intercultural Communication

      Abstract: Intercultural Communication is a course that can help individuals gain the knowledge and tools to be an effective communicator in a globalized world. This article seeks to answer the question about what students enrolled in an Intercultural Communication course should learn. Specifically, the Intercultural Communication

    • [PDF File]1 An Introduction to Intercultural Communication

      and different from one another. To bridge the intercultural communication gaps, several personal characteristics are helpful: patience, a sense of humor, and an open mind toward different points of view. Some aspects of intercultural communication are simple and well understood. Others are somewhat embarrassing, complicated, and mysterious.

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