Interesting facts about surgeons

    • [PDF File]Interesting Facts About Bones (I think!) - Online Orthopaedics

      Interesting Facts About Bones (I think!) By Thomas J. Haverbush, M.D. Orthopaedic Surgeon Transforming patient information into patient understanding. What is your funny bone? Your “funny bone” is not a bone at all, but a large nerve, which is named the ulnar nerve. It passes very close behind the arm bone at the inner side of the elbow ...

    • [PDF File]Quick Facts Table 1 - Neonatology

      Quick Facts Table 1 Internal medicine 42.1% Family practice 22.1% Pediatrics 19.6% Obstetrics and gynecology 12.1% General practice 4.2% 43% Pediatricians whose practice is 100% general pediatrics 24% Pediatricians whose practice is 100% subspecialty care 34% Pediatricians whose practice is split between general and subspecialty care

    • Surgical training for overseas doctors in the UK – Facts, realities …

      Surgical training for overseas doctors in the UK – Facts, realities and solutions! P. Raghu Ram National Subspecialty Fellow in Breast Surgery, Nottingham Breast Institute, Nottingham, UK. How to cite this article: P. Raghu Ram. Surgical training for overseas doctors in the UK – Facts, realities and solutions!. Indian J Surg 2004;66:265-9.

    • [PDF File]It’s all in your genes Interesting facts

      Interesting facts Did you know that every woman over the age of 50 in England is offered screening for Breast Cancer? Doctors are able to tell which stage of a cancer, such as breast cancer is, using the TNM system. This is a standardised system which is used by doctors in hospitals worldwide: T = how big the tumour is (range 1-4)


      surgeons may have selected more than one specialty, so total does not equal 100% Information and statistics gathered from: Lindsey Dunn’s “11 Statistic Facts About Orthopedics And Orthopedic Practices”, Jami Cooley, RN’s “10 Interesting Facts About Orthopedics”

    • [PDF File]The Association of Bone and Joint Surgeons ArtiFacts

      interesting artifact from the museum’s collection, and provide the story behind the picture. Now a National Historic Landmark, NMHM was founded as the Army Medical Museum, which was established during the Civil War to collect ‘‘specimens of morbid anatomy together with projectiles and foreign bodies removed.’’ Its mission today is to

    • [PDF File]Interesting Facts about the AAGP/AAFP

      INTERESTING FACTS ABOUT THE AAGP/AAFP TAKEN FROM THE COLLECTIONS OF . THE CENTER FOR THE HISTORY OF FAMILY MEDICINE • Other names considered for the Academy: American College of Physicians and ...

    • [PDF File]Facts about da Vinci Surgery - The Robotic Surgeon

      Facts about da Vinci® Surgery • Safety and Effectiveness: Over the past decade, more than 1.5 million da Vinci surgeries have been performed in major clinical centers around the world. da Vinci Surgery is a part of routine surgical practice in several surgical specialties. Through the adoption of da Vinci Surgery, surgeons have made significant progress in reducing the number of patients receiving open incisions …

    • [PDF File]Fact Sheet for da Vinci Surgery What is the da Vinci Surgical …

      da Vinci Surgery Facts Page 1 of 7 PN 1005811 rev A 5/14 Fact Sheet for da Vinci® Surgery What is the da Vinci Surgical System? The da Vinci Surgical System is a tool that utilizes advanced, robotic, computer and optical technologies to assist your surgeon with your operation. It does not act on its own and its movements are controlled

    • [PDF File]10 Knee Specialists 10 Interesting Statistics and Facts About ...

      Here are 10 interesting statistics and facts about orthopedic practices, as gathered by the American Academy of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 1. Private practice makes up the majority (81 percent) of orthopedic practice settings. Within the private orthopedic setting, 60 percent are in orthopedic group practice, 31

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