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      The County of Los Angeles (County) Treasurer and Tax Collector (TTC) is administrating this Request for Statement of Qualifications (RFSQ) on behalf of the …

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    • [PDF File]Collection Advisory Group Numbers and Addresses

      To find the office serving your location, match the number for your State with the corresponding Advisory office in the table. Collection Advisory Group Numbers and Addresses Publication 4235 (Rev. 8-2019) Catalog Number 37262G Department of the Treasury Internal Revenue Service

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    • [PDF File]IRS Office Locations - Cerritos College

      Palm Springs, San Bernardino TAC office. Please Call 844-545-5640 to Schedule an Appointment Location Address El Monte 9350 E. Flair Dr. #2 El Monte, CA 91731 Los Angeles 300 N. Los Angeles St. Los Angeles, CA 90012 Long Beach 501 W. Ocean Blvd Long Beach, CA 90802 Laguna Niguel 24000 Avila Rd. Launa Niguel, CA 92677 IRS Taxpayer Assistance ...

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    • [PDF File]Mission of the IRS OFFICE Internal Revenue Service OF ...

      (subordinate GLS:SF office in Los Angeles) Washington DC Byron Smalley 202-317-6999 GLS Area Counsel offices are in Atlanta, Chicago, Dallas, Manhattan, San Francisco, and Washington, DC. See the reverse of this brochure for a map of states served by each. Area Counsel are …

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      Los Angeles Office S. Figueroa Street Los Angeles, CA . Attachments A. Task and Experience Requirement ... At the time of application for recertification, I am an active member of the State Bar of California. Yes No IF NO, STOP HERE. You are not eligible to apply. 7.

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    • 2019-2020 Verification Worksheet DEPENDENT Federal and ...

      Application (if AB540 or AB2000) with an IRS 2017 Federal Tax Return/Transcript, W-2 forms other documentsand provided by you and your parents. Under the law, the ... • Go in to an IRS office: 300 N. Los Angeles St. 6230 Van Nuys Blvd. MON - FRI Los Angeles, CA 90012 Van Nuys, CA 91401 :

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    • [PDF File]IRS TELEPHONE DIRECTORY for Practitioners

      Area Counsel - Los Angeles James A. Nelson 213 -894 -3027 x124 Area Counsel - San Francisco Patricia A. Donahue 415 -227 -5171 Criminal Investigation Title Name Phone Email Director, Field Operations Kenneth Hines 206 -464 -4915 Special Agent in Charge, Oakland Field Office Scott O'Briant 510 -637 -2688 Special Agent in Charge,

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    • [PDF File]

      Internal Revenue Service for offset of federal tax refunds. Los Angeles County is involved in this type of offset program. Also, some federal agencies can certify certain non-tax debts owed the federal governments to the IRS for offset. In order for a level of government other than a

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    • [PDF File]SPEC Partner Tax Consultants California - Los Angeles . Connie Stewart : 300 N Los Angeles St . MS 6602 Los Angeles, CA 90012 : 213-576-3439 . : California - San Diego - Riverside - San Bernardino ... Internal Revenue Service Subject: Office of Stakeholder Partnerships, Education and Communication ...

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