Ischemic cardiomyopathy and chf

    • [DOC File]Cardiology

      Ischemic or congestive syndromes in need of a catheterization and/or coronary intervention. Admit to observe patients (post-cath patients or RPPR patients) Stable acute MI patients post percutaneous coronary intervention with or without thrombolysis. Exclusions: Life threatening arrhythmia

    • [DOC File]“Teaching on Today’s Wards” User’s Guide:

      82 y/o WF with an ischemic cardiomyopathy (ej fx 20%), CRI, HTN, DM type II, admitted for with rapid afib and CHF exacerbation. Came in on digoxin 0.125 qd, coumadin 5 qhs, glucotrol 5 q AM, diovan 160 qd, lasix 80 BID, EC ASA81 qd, lipitor 10 q AM. Long hospital course. Pt has been in the hospital for 3 weeks in and out of the ICU.

    • [DOC File]M29-1, Part 5, H

      Cardiomegaly is almost always secondary to organic disease such as valve defects, hypertension, ischemic heart disease or cardiomyopathy. A chamber may be enlarged because of: 1) hypertrophy; 2) dilatation; or 3) a combination of hypertrophy and dilatation. Hypertrophy of the myocardium – thickened muscular wall.

    • [DOC File]USMF

      Cite the statistical significance of ischemic heart disease as a cause of death. Identify and describe the four clinico-pathologic syndromes of ischemic heart disease (myocardial infarction, angina pectoris, congestive heart failure and sudden cardiac death). Define and describe each.

    • [DOC File]Drugs for Heart Failure

      Some of the class III may have increased mortality however, amiodarone may decreased mortality and improve ejection fraction with non-ischemic cardiomyopathy. Investigational treatments. Vasopeptide inhibitors. Will block ACE and endopeptidase which leads to enhanced activity of endogenous vasodilators (like Nesiritide)

    • [DOC File]Queen’s University Internal Medicine Simulation Course

      CHF – secondary to ischemic cardiomyopathy, EF 45%. Dyslipidemia. HTN. COPD – FEV1 71%. History of Presenting Illness: 74 year old gentleman presents with 3 day history of significantly productive cough (green/yellow). He’s had associated fevers, chills and night sweats. He’s also had increasing SOB over that time, with an exertional ...

    • [DOC File]Cardiovascular Disease Packet

      The majority of cases of CHF are associated with ischemic cardiomyopathy due to coronary artery disease and hypertension. Less common causes of CHF include dilated cardiomyopathy, congenital heart defects, valvular disorders, respiratory diseases, anemia, and hyperthyroidism

    • [DOC File]Wright State University – Miami Valley

      3 2/17 Patient is a 52 y.o. female with PMH of non-ischemic cardiomyopathy with an ejection fraction of 35%, left bundle branch block, non-obstructive coronary artery disease, and morbid obesity. She presents to the ED with complaints of shortness of breath that started over the last couple of weeks. She gets short of breath with minimal exertion.

    • [DOCX File]ERM Consulting Inc

      CHF $3198. 428.0 CHF. 425.4 Primary Cardiomyopathy (Ischemic is not an HCC) 402.91 Hypertensive Heart Disease w/heart failure. Vascular Disease $2465. 443.9 Peripheral Vascular Disease. 443.81 PVD in other diseases (diabetes) 453.40 Acute DVT. 440.0 Atherosclerosis of Aorta. 441.4 Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm. Cancer $1622-$8213

    • [DOC File]§4 - Veterans Affairs

      7020 Cardiomyopathy: Chronic congestive heart failure, or; workload of 3 METs or less results . in dyspnea, fatigue, angina, dizziness, or syncope, or; left ventricular . dysfunction with an ejection fraction of less than 30 percent 100 . More than one episode of acute congestive heart failure in the past year,


      Pulmonary, CHF AEB has a Biventricular b. Will have no defibrillator malfunction Nsg: Take his pulse prior to giving the *Digoxin. If his heart rate is

    • [DOC File]β-blockers in Heart Failure

      The effect of carvedilol on morbidity and mortality in patients with chronic heart failure. N Engl J Med 1996;334:1349-55. Packer M, Coats AJS, Fowler MB, et al. for the Carvedilol Prospective Randomized Cumulative Survival Study Group. Effect of carvedilol on survival in severe chronic heart failure. N Engl J Med 2001;344:1651-8.

    • [DOC File]DBQ Heart Diseases (Print)

      Cardiomyopathy ICD Code: Date of diagnosis: ... Has the Veteran had congestive heart failure (CHF)? ( Yes ( No. If “Yes,” complete the following: 4A. Does the Veteran have chronic CHF? ... Heart Conditions (Including Ischemic and Non-Ischemic Heart Disease, Arrhythmias, Valvular Disease and Cardiac Surgery) Name: VA Form 21-0960A-4 VA Claim ...

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