J adv res impact factor

    • [DOC File]Rank/ Abbreviated Journal Title/ ISSN/ 2002 Total Cites ...


      Impact Factor Immediacy Index 2002 Articles Cited Half-life 1 PROG POLYM SCI 0079-6700 2138 7.279 0.778 45 5.6 2 ADV POLYM SCI 0065-3195 2547 5.389 0.750 16 9.8 3 MACROMOLECULES 0024-9297 54526 3.751 0.672 1261 6.6 4 MACROMOL RAPID COMM 1022-1336 4077 2.901 0.455 143 5.1 5 BIOMACROMOLECULES 1525-7797 775 2.496 0.440 182 1.9 6 J POLYM SCI POL CHEM 0887-624X 11521 2.371 0.331 459 8.2 7 J ...

      advances in space research journal

    • [DOC File]Ranking is based on your journal and sort selections


      Total Cites Impact Factor 5-Year Impact Factor Immediacy Index Articles Cited Half-life EigenfactorTM Score Article InfluenceTM Score 1 ADV NURS SCI 0161-9268 809 1.333 1.467 0.138 29 >10.0 0.00132 0.420 2 AM J CRIT CARE 1062-3264 846 1.078 1.402 7.0 0.00245 0.420 3 AM J NURS 0002-936X 658 1.101 0.618 0.100 90 6.4 0.00179 0.159 4 APPL NURS RES 0897-1897 491 0.774 1.013 0.074 27 7.9 …

      international journal of advanced research

    • [DOCX File]Fall Prevention Toolkit


      Adjusted fall rates in the intervention units (3.15 per 1,000 patient days [95% CI, 2.54 to 3.90]) were significantly lower than in control units (4.18 per 1,000 patient days [95% CI, 3.45 to 5.06]), with a particularly strong impact among patients aged 65 or older (rate difference of 2.08 per 1,000 patient days [95% CI: 0.61 to 3.56]). This study was judged to have a low risk of bias using ...

      hgg advances impact factor

    • [DOCX File]Guide to FY2010 Department of Defense (DOD) …


      Universities get about 60% of the 6.1, 10% of the 6.2, and 5% of the 6.3 funding. However, the 6.2 and 6.3 funding at Universities includes University Affiliated Research Centers (UARCs) and other entities that are structured to handle the greater deadline, security classification, and reporting requirements.

      advance journal

    • Recent Advances of Zeolite Molecular Sieves: A Decade …

      The separation factor for a mixture of p- and o-xylene on an RTP-treated membrane improved 32-fold compared to a conventionally calcined membrane. The same membranes showed improved separation performance at elevated temperatures for separations of butane and hexane isomers. The investigators concluded that the calcination ramp rate is an important means of controlling the grain boundary ...

      adv space res

    • [DOC File]International Journal of Pharma and Bio Sciences


      J Adv Pharm Technol Res. 2010 Jul-Sep; 1(3): 338–341. 27. Inhibitory Effect of Pioglitazone on Type-2 Diabetes Induced Nuclear Damages in Wistar Rats Syed Imam Rabbani,Kshama Devi,Salma Khanam 28. Study of A Novel Environmentally Responsive Ophthalmic Drug Delivery System Prashant K. Deshmukh,Ravindra A. Fursule 29. Establishing Correlation of Therapeutic Activity of A Siddha …

      j adv sci

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