John chapter 1 commentary study

    • [PDF File]The Book of John Lessons - Anne Graham Lotz

      3 Question Bible Study Worksheet. LESSON 3 – John 1:19-51 . Read the following Scripture passages and complete the form for each day. Click . here to print additional worksheets. as needed: Day 1: Read John 1:19-28 Day 2: Read John 1:29-34 Day 3: Read John 1:35-39 Day 4: Read John 1:40-42 Day 5: Read John 1:43-51 . 1: What Does God’s Word Say?

    • [PDF File]Notes on 1 John - Plano Bible Chapel

      Jesus Christ (1 John 1:3). He wrote it so that we might enter into the fullness of the eternal life that we possess (cf. John 10:10). However, the subject of this epistle is not eternal life, but fellowship with God. Fellowship with God is the essence of eternal life (cf. John 17:3). This epistle grew out of Jesus' Upper Room Discourse (John 14 ...

    • [PDF File]Workbook on the Gospel of John - The Church Of Christ in ...

      The Testimony of John’s Witness (1:19–51) 1. What questions did the priests and Levites from Jerusalem ask John? (1:19–25) W www.pad˜eld.com3 2. What was the purpose of John’s baptism? (1:26–27) 3. Is there any significance towhere John was baptizing? (1:28) 4.

    • [PDF File]THE GOSPEL ACCORDING TO JOHN General Observations: The ...

      originally a disciple of John the Baptist and that together with Andrew, he was present when Jesus was identified by John as “the Lamb of God.”4 Adam Clarke’s Commentary states about the words “Two of his disciples”: “One of them was Andrew, John 1:40, and it is very likely that John himself was the other; in everything in which he ...

    • [PDF File]by David E. Pratte - Bible Study Lessons

      Further, there are many similarities between this book and 1,2, & 3 John (note especially 1 John 1:1ff). Finally, early church writers and historians have universally recognized John as the author of this account. As Horne stated: The Gospel by Saint John has been universally received as

    • [PDF File]Life Application Bible Commentary - Tyndale House

      Read 1 John and know that your Light has come. Let it shine! AUTHOR The apostle John. The similarities between the Gospel of John and these letters identified as 1, 2, and 3 John are so remarkable that it would be difficult to argue that these writings were done by two different people. The syntax, the vocabulary, and the thematic develop-


      have fellowship (see 1 John 1:3). Second, John wanted believers to have joy (see 1:4). Third, he wanted believers not to sin (see 2:1-2). John explained that although Jesus has already paid the penalty for a Christian’s sin, we can have victory over sin in daily life and experience unhindered communion with Christ.

    • [PDF File]The First Epistle Of John - Bible Study Guide

      2. The Gospel of John was designed to produce faith so that we might have life - cf. Jn 20:30-31 3. However, it is the First Epistle of John which discusses the nature of that life in greater detail - e.g., 1 Jn 3:14 4. That we might be sure to live the sort of life God offers through His Son Jesus Christ, a careful study of First John is in order

    • [PDF File]Commentary on 1 Peter - Bible Study Lessons

      John the Baptist. Jesus then gave Peter the name of Cephas – John 1:40-42. * Peter had been a fisherman before being called to be an apostle; but Jesus called Peter, along with his brother Andrew and his partners James and John, to become “fishers of men” – Luke 5:1-11; Matthew 4:18-22.

    • [PDF File]Outline of the Book of John

      Synoptic Gospels, John clearly shows the preparatory work of John the Baptist and does not grandees him at all. To the contrary, John emphasizes the subordinate function of John the baptizer (Jn. 1:19-28). Time of Writing Domitian was Emperor of Rome when John was exiled to the island of Patmos. Evidently John refused to bow

    • [PDF File]John 1:1-18 The Word Became Flesh

      John’s use of that word would catch their attention. In the mind of the ancient Jews, the phrase “the word of God” was used to refer to God Himself. To them it was the same as saying, “God became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” Where else do we read “in the beginning”? Genesis 1 Is John 1:1 referring to the same ...

    • [PDF File]The Gospel of John: A Chapter by Chapter Study

      The Gospel of John: A Chapter by Chapter Study Introduction This book is the recording of Jesus through the eyes of the apostle John. There is almost zero dispute as to the authorship. John does not name himself in this account but leaves little doubt to his authorship in the details recorded.

    • [PDF File]Outline of the Book of I John

      1 Outline of the Book of 1 John Introduction to 1, 2, and 3 John Author: The apostle John is the author of the gospel of John, 1, 2, and 3 John and Revelation. “Dionysius noted that John did not name himself in his epistles, ‘not even in the Second and Third Epistles, although they are short

    • [PDF File]The Wiersbe Bible Commentary

      T he Wiersbe Bible Commentaryhad a modest beginning in 1972 when Victor Books pub- lished my commentary on 1 John and called it Be Real. Nobody remembers who named the book, but for me it was the beginning of three decades of intensive Bible study as I

    • [PDF File]Exposition of the Gospel of John by A. W. Pink CHAPTER 1 ...

      (John 1:14). It is here we read of John the Baptist bearing record "that this is the Son of God" (John 1:34). It is here that we read "This beginning of miracles did Jesus in Cana of Galilee, and manifested forth his glory" (John 2:11). It is here we are told that the Savior said "Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up" (John ...

    • [PDF File]The Gospel Of John - Bible Study Guide

      1. By John in his gospel, and also his epistle - Jn 1:1-4; 1 Jn 2:14 2. By Paul in his epistles a. To the church in Corinth - 1 Co 10:1-4; 2 Co 8:9 b. To the church in Philippi - Ph 2:5-8 c. To the church in Colosse - Co 1:16-17

    • [PDF File]Gospel of John - Free Online Bible Study Lessons

      2. From the readings of Matthew Chapter 3, verses 5 and 6 and Mark Chapter 1 verse 5, why did the Jewish leaders send messengers to inquire of John the Baptist who he was? _____ _____ _____ _____ _____ 3. From the nature of the question the Pharisees asked in the Gospel of John Chapter 1 verse 24, what was their view of John’s authority to ...

    • [PDF File]John Chapters 1-4 Bible Study

      John Chapters 1-4 Bible Study Chapter Title Passage Page Introduction 7 1. Who Is Jesus? 1:1-14 9 2. Who is John the Baptist? 1:15-34 17 3. The First Disciples 1:35-51 25 4. The Wedding at Cana 2:1-12 31 5. Why is Jesus Angry? 2:13-25 39 6. Nic at Nite 3:1-21 45 ...

    • 1 JOHN - J. Vernon McGee

      times) — John wrote to meet the first heresy that entered the church. It was Gnosticism, which boasted super-knowledge. It accepted the deity of Jesus, but it denied His humanity. John gives us the true gnosticism — knowledge. OUTLINE: I. God is LIGHT (1:5), Chapters 1:1 — 2:2 A. Prologue, Chapter 1:1, 2 B.

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