Josephus account of jesus

    • [DOC File]Excerpts from Strange Landscape:

      This problem is seen in an infamous passage from Josephus. Because Josephus is such an important source for Jewish history in the early period and an eyewitness to the first revolt, his possible knowledge of Jesus has received considerable speculation. The passage, known as the Testimonium Flavianum, comes from Antiquities 18:63-64:

      flavius josephus description of jesus

    • [DOC File]WHO IS JESUS

      Josephus is not an inspired writer nor did he ever convert to Christianity, but his writings confirm the New Testament account of many key facts. There is debatable criticism to Josephus’ reference to Jesus’ resurrection but there is no credible objection to the facts that Jesus did exist, Jesus was crucified, and Pilate was the one who had ...

      writings of josephus on jesus

    • [DOC File]Jesus' OT basis for Monogamy

      The second and third essays are examples of what Sandmel called ‘parallelomania’. They try to show that the story of walking on the sea was a retelling of a targumic account of Moses parting the Red Sea and that the release of Barabbas was inspired by Josephus’ account of the release of a …

      josephus describing how jesus looked

    • [DOC File]First, my apologies if I repeat myself sometimes

      In Rome, in the year 93, Josephus published his lengthy history of the Jews. While discussing the period in which the Jews of Judea were governed by the Roman procurator Pontius Pilate, Josephus included the following account: “About this time there lived Jesus, a wise man, if …

      josephus about jesus

    • [DOC File]Sermon on John 12:15

      Josephus estimates the number at more than 3 million. We can say then that the eyes of all Israel were fixed on Jesus of Nazareth. Let us reflect on this very important episode in the closing days of Jesus’ ministry. ... John's account is rather brief compared to the other evangelists; so to get the complete picture we should consult them as ...

      josephus on jesus christ


      You could also investigate other historical accounts about Jesus’ life and the Easter events e.g. accounts by Josephus (Jewish historian) & Tacitus (Roman historian) mention him by name. (* see Points to note) Do these accounts differ from the Biblical account? How? Which ‘bits’ do pupils think are missing? Evaluate: What happened to the ...

      roman historian josephus on jesus

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