Journal of online higher education

    • [DOC File]International Education Journal - Flinders University

      International Education Journal, 4 (1), 24-29. Smart, D. and Ang, G. (1993) Opportunity for Australian Higher Education: A Pilot Survey of Singapore, Perth: Asia Research Centre on Social, Political and Economic Change, Murdoch University.

      peer reviewed journals higher education

    • [DOC File]Teaching in Higher Education

      This course focuses on various models, perspectives, research and techniques pertaining to learning to teach in higher education. Issues related to values, beliefs, pedagogical techniques, learning styles, as well as how to structure, deliver, and evaluate instruction will be covered.

      internet and higher education journal

    • [DOCX File]Discipline and multidisciplinary education journals

      Journal of online higher education. Journal of Research in International Education. Journal of Studies in International Education. Journal of the Learning Sciences: a journal of ideas and their applications. Journal of University Teaching and Learning Practice. Language Learning and Technology.

      journals on higher education

    • [DOCX File]Curriculum Vita

      Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Special Issue: Marketing for Higher Education in Developing Countries, 22(1), 1-9. Taylor & Francis, ISSN: 1540-7144(online)/ 0084-1241(print). Ranked (C) by The Australian Business Deans Council (ABDC) Book Chapters.

      higher education academic journals

    • [DOCX File]Reflection in Higher Education Service-Learning (Expanded)

      Reflection in Higher Education Service-Learning (Expanded) Source: Kara Connors and Sarena D. Seifer, Community-Campus Partnerships for Health, September 2005 Introduction

      journal of higher ed


      IN TERTIARY EDUCATION. William E. Becker. For presentation as a keynote address at the Midwest Conference on Student Learning in Economics, Innovation, Assessment and Classroom Research, University of Akron, Akron, Ohio, November 7, 2003, and forthcoming as Chapter 11 in W. E. Becker and M. L. Andrews (Eds.), The Scholarship of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education: Contributions …

      higher education impact factor

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