Just ask jeeves a question

    • TechMatters: What Happened to Jeeves, you Ask.com?

      of ranked web sites about Marx and his works just like any other search engine. However, along the right-hand ... Do you remember Ask Jeeves, the search engine that offered searchers the opportunity to pose questions in the ... image will appear for the site in question. While the qual-ity of the images will vary depending on the screen reso-

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    • [PDF File]The Question Answering System Using NLP and AI


      Ask.com (originally known as Ask Jeeves) is a question answering-focused web search engine. The original idea behind Ask Jeeves was to allow users to obtain answers to questions posed on daily basis, natural language, as well as . International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 7, Issue 12, December-2016 ISSN 2229-5518

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    • [PDF File]Nimble Answers Ask.com’s Question: Customer Storage ...


      Ask offers the only curated Q&A experience that surfaces actual answers (not just links) through search, opinions from a community of real people and topic authorities to offer a 360 view on any question. Originally known as Ask Jeeves, Ask.com is now available as mobile apps and have been downloaded more than 3 million times.

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      Ask.com was born as AskJeeves, “Jeeves” being a fictitious question-answering valet. Jeeves “retired” in 2005 when InterActiveCorp (IAC) bought the AskJeeves business; his name was dropped, leaving just Ask.com. IAC owns about 150 Internet brands including About.com, CitySearch, Dictionary.com, Match.com, Tinder, and Vimeo.

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      for direct question answering arose. Users wanted, and still want, not only to be able to ask questions in natural language but to have their questions precisely answered as well. A second wave of attempts (i.e., Ask Jeeves! [1]) resulted in search engines that have a sizeable amount of prebuilt natural language questions. If the user is lucky, the

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    • [PDF File]Effective Question Answering Techniques and their ...


      International Journal of Computer Applications (0975 – 8887) Volume 65– No.12, March 2013 32 View Search report in 2005. Asking the question “Who is the president of …

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    • The Librarian and Mr. Jeeves

      "Jeeves is having trouble understanding your question. Would you like us to check your spelling?" Perhaps there is a perfectly innocent explanation for this and Ask Jeeves just hasn't gotten around to adding that question to its database yet. But maybe Ask Jeeves has chosen not to understand the question. With a commercial reference service ...

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    • [PDF File]Social Work and Family Violence Theories, Assessment, and ...


      Social Work and Family Violence Theories, Assessment, and Intervention. Joan C. McClennen, PhD, is a full professor at Missouri State University. Prior to assuming her academic career, Dr. McClennen held counseling and adminstra-tive positions in the areas of child abuse, mental health, and …

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    • [PDF File]QARAB: A Question Answering System to Support the Arabic ...


      QARAB: A Question Answering System to Support the Arabic Language Bassam Hammo Hani Abu-Salem Steven Lytinen DePaul University School of Computer Science, Telecommunications and Information Systems

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    • [PDF File]Questions You Can and Cannot Ask - Andrews University


      Questions You Can and Cannot Ask ... Sometimes when people ask an unlawful question they are trying to find out something job related, but they are just asking the wrong question. For instance, someone asks a woman about childcare arrangements may be worried

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