K12 summer school

    • [DOC File]Elementary Summer School - Forsyth County Schools


      Summer School Information for Administrators and Teachers. The elementary summer school program is designed to remediate students’ skills in reading, language arts, and mathematics. Classroom teachers recommend students using multiple criteria including test data and classroom performance. Students will be engaged in highly interactive ...

      free online summer school k 12



      summer school course descriptions Our usual summer schedule, 8:15 – 9:10, 9:15 – 10:10, 10:15 – 11:10, 11:15 – 12:10, has four separate hours of instruction. If you have a subject area that you would like to teach for four hours, repeat each for one hour or combinations of hour blocks, please indicate on your course description.

      online summer school k 12

    • [DOC File]2008 Summer School - Rice Lake High School


      Summer School We will once again be offering credit recovery and/or attainment this summer through an online virtual program (APEX and ALEKS). These online classes will be offered virtually from June 15 thru August 7, and will be supported by Rice Lake High School staff.

      k12 summer classes

    • [DOC File]IDCA, Summer School - lafourche.k12.la.us


      Elementary summer schools shall offer a minimum of seventy (70) hours of instruction per subject for removal of deficiencies. Students attending summer school shall have the written permission from the principal of the student’s home school in order for high school credit to be awarded or if an elementary student is to be promoted.

      k12 online school summer courses

    • [DOC File]Summer Programs - Henry County School District


      Syracuse University Summer College Programs for High School Students High school students may choose one of nine academic pre-college programs in acting/musical theater, architecture, art and design, engineering and computer science, law, fashion and textile design, liberal arts/arts & sciences, management, public communications.

      online high school summer classes

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