Kantian ethics vs virtue ethics



      15. Chapter 8: Virtue-Based Ethical Theory: 16. Aretaic Ethics. 17. The Aretatic Critique of Action-Based Ethics. a. Action-based ethics lack a motivational component. b. Action based ethics often ignore the spiritual dimensions of ethics. 18. Aristotle’s Virtue Ethics. 19. What is the relationship between Virtue and Principles? 20.

    • [DOC File]A (very) Concise Guide to Seven Moral Theories


      Virtue Ethics is very much back in favor among ethicists and policymakers. It is associated with Aristotle, as well as Catholicism, Buddhism, and other religious traditions. It puts the emphasis not so much on what a person does in any given ethical quandary, but more on the lifelong development of a person’s character, on who that person ...

    • [DOC File]The Final Form of Kant’s Practical Philosophy


      The other great prejudice about Kantian ethical theory is that it is an ethics of rules rather than of virtues – or, as it is sometimes put, of moral doing rather than ethical being. But the very title ‘Doctrine of Virtue’ ought at least to make us stop and think about this prejudice before accepting it.

    • [DOCX File]alevelphilosophyblog.files.wordpress.com


      Kant’s ethics, Virtue ethics, Utilitarianism and so on originated before Moore and each make claims about what good is, but meta-ethics deals specifically with that question of what good is, which opens up a domain of philosophical investigation ‘above’ standard ethics (hence ‘meta-ethics’) in which competing meta-ethical theories ...

    • [DOC File]Human Dignity, Right and the Realm of Ends


      In Kantian ethics, human dignity is also the fundamental value on which all other values, whether moral or non-moral, must be grounded. The value of human perfections and achievements, even of moral virtue, and of course the value of human happiness, is grounded in the dignity of the human beings whose perfections or happiness these are.



      (DIVINE COMMAND) VIRTUE ETHICS. KANTIAN ETHICS/DEONTOLOGY. CARE ETHICS. Title: CRITICAL THINKING – ETHICS Author: testuser Last modified by: pdn26 Created Date: 4/26/2006 4:26:00 PM Company: CSUS Other titles:

    • [DOCX File]WordPress.com


      AQA Ethics and religion. If using a PC, Hold Ctrl to click on the following links: Natural Law. Situation Ethics. Virtue Ethics. Human ethical issues. Animal ethical issues. Meta ethics. Free will and moral responsibility. Conscience. Bentham and Kant. Natural Law. Telos. Aquinas developed Natural law as a form of religious ethics.



      KANTIAN ABSOLUTISM. Kant felt that the consequences were not the important thing. Principles ought to win out. ... Virtue Ethics. Until now we have been looking at action-based ethics: what a person ought to do. Virtue ethics is a different stream of thought entirely, for it focuses on .



      (DIVINE COMMAND) VIRTUE ETHICS. KANTIAN ETHICS/DEONTOLOGY. Title: CRITICAL THINKING – ETHICS Author: testuser Last modified by: pdn26 Created Date: 4/26/2006 4:26:00 PM Company: CSUS Other titles: CRITICAL THINKING – ETHICS ...

    • [DOC File]1¾ « in ø - - - ' @ Ð ' - µ


      “Kantian Virtue and ‘Virtue Ethics’,” Kant’s Ethics of Virtue, edited by Monika Betzler, (Berlin: Walter de Gruyter, 2008), pp. 29-60.***** “The Importance of Moral Rules and Principles,” The Annual Lindlay Lecture,” University of Kansas Press, 2006, Published by Department of Philosophy, University of Kansas, 2007, 1-23.

    • [DOCX File]OCR A Level Religious Studies (H572)


      The weaknesses of Virtue Ethics outweigh its strengths. ... Apply Kantian Ethics to Environmental Ethics. Apply Utilitarianism to Environmental Ethics. Apply Religious Ethics to Environmental Ethics. Apply Virtue Ethics to Environmental Ethics. Critically evaluate and discuss the different approaches to environmental ethics.

    • The Importance of Personal Relationships in Kantian Moral ...

      For the Kantian, the father has a duty to care for his child and to spend time with his child, and the father has a duty to act in a caring way towards his child as part of fulfilling his duties. But there still might be a difference between care ethics and Kantian moral theory when we are looking at other relationships between family and friends.

    • [DOC File]What moral theory for human rights


      Kantian ethics is the most important example of it. The task of such a system should be that of guiding us at the moment when we have to decide what to do. The theories of rights are, in this context, a ‘third’ alternative against the attempts, on one side to tie the notion of right to that of a deontologic bond and, on the other to insert ...

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