Ketamine infusion protocol

    • [DOC File](Pain Control)

      A continuous infusion of ketamine 2.7 mg/kg/h iv produced an opioid-sparing effect of more than 90% and pain ratings of 3 on a scale of 0 to 10. The patient denied any psychotomimetic effects. ... Note: This protocol is also used in terminally ill patients, and monitoring should be adjusted accordingly.

      ketamine infusion protocol guidelines

    • Thomas Jefferson University

      Bolus patient with ketamine 10 mg. If no response in 10 minutes, may repeat bolus of ketamine 10 mg. After bolus, increase rate of ketamine infusion by 5 mg/hr (not to exceed 1 mg/kg/hr unless approved by APMS physician). May be repeated as needed, but no more frequently than every 60 minutes.

      ketamine infusion protocol john hopkins

    • [DOC File]Health Services Research

      Our ketamine protocol is essentially 40 mg per hour for four hours. That’s where we generally start. Some of our cancer patients have been fairly cachectic, and so we’ve started it at much lower doses based on a milligram per kilogram dosing, but generally speaking, 40 mg per hour for four hours. We pre-medicate with midazolam, 1 to 2 mg IV ...

      ketamine infusion protocol sedation

    • [DOC File]Propofol Dosing Guidelines

      D. Titrate the propofol infusion rate, not the ketamine infusion rate. If the patient seems to require a lot of propofol, give 25-50 µg fentanyl boluses. F. As with propofol, the ketamine infusion rate was designed for adults of average weight (60-80 kg). Adjust upward or downward for larger or smaller patients.

      ketamine infusion for pain protocol

    • [DOC File]KETAMINE - 2 to 20 ug/kg/minute (0

      A constant rate infusion (CRI) of analgesic drugs is a simple and effective means of improving patient comfort. Various formulations can be used as a constant rate infusion; the protocol chosen depends on the patient and the degree of pain experienced or anticipated. Some of the commonly used drugs include the following: 1) KETAMINE --

      iv ketamine infusion protocol

    • [DOC File]Pilot Study: Ketamine Safety and Efficacy in General ...

      With a 90 mg morphine limit on new patients, the need for alternative pain measures is especially acute2. Ketamine, a general anesthetic with NMDA receptor blocking properties, is useful in treating chronic pain and depression. IV infusion has been found helpful in cancer and CRPS pain. However, this approach often requires hospital care.

      ketamine infusion protocol for crps

    • [DOCX File]Ketamine for Analgesia

      Ketamine is a potent analgesic at sub-dissociative doses ranging from 0.1-0.5 mg/kg when used for bolus dosing (8,9). Administration of continuous infusion ketamine for analgesia ranges from 0.06-0.6 mg/kg/hr (1-10). Of note, doses

      ketamine drip protocol for sedation

    • [DOCX File]The School of Medicine & Health Sciences | The George ...

      Ketamine 0.1-0.3 mg/kg in 50 cc NS over 10 minutes. Ketamine 0.1 mg/kg/hour until pain is tolerable ... , Hahnenkamp K, Eberhart LH, Poepping DM, Weibel S. Continuous intravenous perioperative lidocaine infusion for postoperative pain and recovery ... Development of an opioid reduction protocol in an emergency department. Am J Health Syst Pharm ...

      nursing ketamine guidelines and protocols


      Current data on short term infusions indicate that ketamine produces potent analgesia during administration only, while three studies on the effect of prolonged infusion (4-14 days) show long-term analgesic effects up to 3 months following infusion. One problem with ketamine for chronic pain is that there is no standardized dose or protocol for ...

      ketamine infusion protocol guidelines

    • [DOC File]Canadian Journal of Anesthesia 47:572-578 (2000)

      Rats in group 3 (n=10) received O2 30% in air and S(+)-ketamine (infusion: 1.0 mg•kg–1•min–1, Harvard Infusion/Withdrawal PumpTM, Harvard Apparatus; Inc., Natik, Massachusetts, USA). Cerebral ischemia was induced by a combination of right common carotid artery occlusion and hemorrhagic hypotension to 35 mmHg MAP for 30 min.

      ketamine infusion protocol john hopkins

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