Kings county supreme court clerk s office


      [COUNTY] Supreme Court Clerk’s Office, _____ Term, on or before the _____, 2014 shall be deemed sufficient service. WITNESS, Honorable _____, one of the Justices of the Supreme Court, State of New York on the ____th DAY OF ... In a recent decision from Kings County Supreme Court, Judge Parker observed that “there is no language in the ...

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    • [DOC File]Courthouse News Service – Probably the best news site in ...

      13 Upon receipt, the clerk's office reviews the proposed. 14 filing for complains with venue, caption, case type, as well as. 15 the attorney's signature certification required by court rule. 16 In addition, the clerk's office reviews the papers to ascertain. 17 whether they contain materials that, by operation of law, may

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    • [DOCX File]New York Department of State

      County Office Building. Court Street. Belmont, NY 14813. County Clerk. County of Bronx. 851 Grand Concourse ... County Clerk's Office. Lake Pleasant, NY 12108. County Clerk. County of Herkimer ... 175 Arsenal Street. Watertown, NY 13601. County Clerk. County of Kings. Supreme Court Building. 360 Adams Street. Room 189. Brooklyn, NY 11201 ...

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    • [DOCX File]PRESENT:

      Aug 07, 2020 · At an Ex Parte Motion Office of the Supreme Court of the State of New York, held in the County of New York, at the courthouse located at 60 Centre Street, New York, New York, on _____, 2016. PRESENT: Hon. _____, JUSTICE OF THE SUPREME COURT

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    • Joint Confirmation Regarding Trial Readiness - King County

      Sep 27, 2010 · ORIGINAL: CLERK’S OFFICE . BENCH COPY: ASSIGNED JUDGE. REVISED : 9/27/2010. Author: Beth Taylor Created Date: 12/23/2016 11:21:00 Title: Joint Confirmation Regarding Trial Readiness Last modified by: Beth Taylor Company: King County Superior Court ...

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    • [DOC File]Texas Basic Peace Officer

      The appeal by Gault to the U.S. Supreme Court was based on the argument that the Juvenile Code of Arizona is invalid because, contrary to the due process clause of the Fourteenth Amendment, the juvenile is taken from the custody of the parents and committed to a state institution pursuant to proceedings where the juvenile court has virtually ...

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    • [DOC File]August 10, 1998

      The Clerk’s Office personnel provide all of the non-legal support functions, such as case management, financial, personnel, and facilities management. In seven years, the only significant changes which have occurred affecting the amount of workload presented to the Division are: 1) the elimination of video poker cases, and 2) the addition of ...

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