Lb mmscf to lb mmbtu


      134 MMscf ( 84 lb CO/MMscf (2000 lb/ton = 5.6 tons per year CO (boilers) 10 MMscf ( 30.6 lb CO/MMscf ( 2000 lb/ton = 0.15 tons per year CO (turbines) Table 6 tabulates the results of similar calculations for all of California’s counties. Table 6. Estimated industrial natural gas consumption and annual emissions. Total Emissions (tons per year)

      mmbtu to mmscfd calculator

    • [DOC File]ค่าการแปลงหน่วย - EPPO

      Title: ค่าการแปลงหน่วย Author: Tum Last modified by: Natthapach Boottae Created Date: 11/18/2015 9:13:00 AM Company

      natural gas mmbtu to mmcf


      (tpy, lb/hr, lb/MMBtu, gr/dscf, etc.) Opacity. Operational Limitation(s) (hrs/yr, MMscf/yr, lb/yr, etc.) Other Requirements. List all other applicable requirements for this emission point. 4. Monitoring Requirements. Complete the following monitoring questions about the emission unit.

      convert dekatherms to mmscfd

    • BACT Determination for P/C No

      Maximum pollutant concentrations: NOx .06 lb/MMBtu, CO .01 lb/MMBtu, PM 6.1 lb/MMSCF landfill gas. Minimum NMHC destruction efficiency of 98% or maximum NMHC concentration in stack of 20 ppm, dry corrected to 3% O2 as hexane (as required by Rule 1150.1). A2. bact/lAer DETERMINATION: Maximum NOx concentration: .06 lb/MMBtu.

      btu to mmscfd

    • [DOC File]STI Appendix Title Page

      f The emission factors for turbines are converted from the reported units of lb pollutant/MMBtu to lb pollutant/106scf by applying the EPA’s (2000) average landfill gas heating value, 400 Btu/scf. ... 66 MMscf ( 7.9 lb SO2 /MMscf ÷ 2000 = 0.26 tons SO2 (Sacramento) Table 3.

      convert ppmv to lb mmbtu

    • [DOC File]Boiler Natural Gas 5-20 MMBtu/hr

      Rule 1401 natural gas emissions factors (Source: Ventura County APCD AB-2588, 8/95) Pollutant Engine Rating Emission Factor [lb/MMscf] 100 MMBtu/hr Acetaldehyde 4.30E-03 3.10E-03 4.30E-02 Acrolein 2.70E-03 2.70E-03 1.00E-02 Benzene (including benzene from gasoline) 8.00E-03 5.80E-03 1.90E-01 Ethyl benzene 9.50E-03 ...

      mcf to mmscfd

    • [DOC File]Guidance for Preparing an Oil or Gas Facility Registration ...

      From AP-42, natural gas burners rated less than 1-MMBtu/hr but greater than 0.3-MMBtu/hr have a NOX emission factor of 100-lb/MMscf. The resulting NOX emissions are: Produced Oil Storage Tanks. Emissions from storage tanks that store crude oil (or other process condensate) include flashing losses, working losses, and breathing losses.

      so2 ppm to lb mmbtu

    • [DOCX File]Authorization .gov

      emission rate of 0.0075 lb PM10/MMBtu (7.6 lb/mmscf of fuel gas burned). AMBIENT AIR QUALITY MONITORING REQUIREMENTS The county in which the BP Husky Toledo facility is located is attainment for all criteria pollutants.

      mmbtu to mmscf conversion

    • [DOC File]September 5, 2007

      Each of the 14.7 MMBtu per hour dual fuel–fired boilers shall not emit pollutants in excess of those specified in the following table [20 DCMR 201]: Pollutant. Short-Term Limit (Natural Gas) (lb/hr) Short-Term Limit (No. 2 Fuel oil) (lb/hr)

      mmbtu to mmscfd calculator

    • [DOCX File]High Volume Horizontal Hydraulic Fracturing, Oil and Gas ...

      Apr 03, 2014 · 0.068 lb NOx/MMBtu x 32 MMBtu/hr = 2.176 lb NOx /hr. 2.176 lb NOx/hr x 8760 hrs/yr x 1 ton/2000 lbs = 9.53 tons NOx/year. 9.53 tons NOx ÷ 12 months = 0.79 ton NOx/month averaged over a 12-month rolling period. Compliance with the tons/month averaged over a 12-month rolling period shall be determined following the first 12 months of operation.

      natural gas mmbtu to mmcf

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