Least common surnames

    • [DOCX File]Paul Peterson, - Western Political Science Association


      Although they appear at first glance to be the least common type of female-specific surnames (who has ever heard of the surname Mabelsdaughter, or anything like it?), matronymic or matronymic-like surnames in general were actually fairly common in early English history, and some of their derivatives are still in use today.

      uncommon last names

    • [DOC File]The Occurrence of Hungarian (Magyar) Surnames


      30 names of bi-ethnic (Slav and Magyar) origin that are more likely to have had a Slavic than a Magyar origin (if they in fact originated in the Stropkov region), and certain other common and widespread Magyar surnames that might not be indicators of ethnic origin.

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    • [DOCX File]Higher – Reading for Understandin Analysis and Evaluation


      Fred “The Shred” Goodwin and Jade Goody may have come from very different backgrounds, but they have more in common than the passing similarity of their surnames. Both creatures of the zeitgeist, the Paisley-grammar-schoolboy-turned-banker and the Essex-chav-turned-reality-TV-princess knew how to play a world which turned on greed and fame ...

      least common american last names

    • [DOCX File]The Isle of Bute Surname study as pertaining to surnames ...


      The Isle of Bute Surname study as pertaining to surnames of Clan Donnachaidh: The Isle of Bute is a small island on the western edge of the Firth of Clyde in Western Scotland. As with the lands of present day Scotland there has been a human presence on Bute from time immemorial.

      british last names

    • [DOC File]Who fathered William F - Mumma


      From these results we have determined that William F. Mumaw was fathered by a man with the WEBB surname haplotype, but we cannot say for certain that it was Harmon Webb. It is known that at least one of Harmon Webb’s sons was single in 1840, living nearby or …

      surnames list

    • Research Note

      In order to lay the foundation for our surprising empirical results we first illustrate common pitfalls in using names that are drawn from a list of most common Hispanic surnames to estimate the ...

      unique last names

    • [DOC File]Small history book of Rotter - Genealogy Freelancers


      The internet is there a list of most common surnames in Brown Sûre Ländchen before the expulsion, and Rotter's name is also there. ... At least in the case of specifically designated as farmers Rotter / Rutter is assumed that they are with their families before the Thirty Years' in these villages were established, since the end of this war ...

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      A table in that report provides an estimate of the numbers of people in 1853 having these common surnames. This is divided into the total estimated population of 18,403,313 to give a frequency. For example, there were an estimated 253,600 Smiths, which gives a frequency of 1 in 73 or 1.37%.

      least common surnames in usa

    • [DOC File]The Publication Manual of the American Psychological ...


      Format: The references (with hanging indent) begin on the line following the References heading. Entries are organized alphabetically by surnames of first authors. Most reference entries have three components: Authors: Authors are listed in the same order as specified in the source, using surnames and initials. Commas separate all authors.

      uncommon last names

    • Guangdong history - Him Mark Lai Digital Archive

      It is not ranked among the 100 most common surnames in China and not even listed among the 507 surnames in Baijiaxing 百家姓 (Surnames of the hundred families). These demographic differences should alert us to the fact that even though Guangdong has a common history with the rest of China, there were factors unique to the province's history ...

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