Lesser known women who changed the world

    • [DOC File]Constitutional Change in Tonga


      And at state and lesser-known schools, where many were the first in their families to attend college, they sought challenges and mixed with students from diverse backgrounds -- an experience that helped them later in their corporate climbs. Bill Green, CEO of Accenture, never planned to go to college.

      unknown women who made history

    • Women You've Never Heard of Who Changed the World

      Type women into the search facility to retrieve information on Women’s suffrage, WW1 and WW2 women, women and Chartism, women and university education, women in the roman empire, women and marriage in the 19th century, and much more.

      unknown influential women in history

    • [DOCX File]Mr. Sammons' U.S History Fish Bowl


      The 1970s were years of self-exploration for women but also for young people in general. This was a transitional decade marked by the end of the controversial Vietnam War, the increasing momentum of the Feminist Movement, and a shift in how Americans considered themselves and their place in society as social norms and values changed.

      little known women in history

    • [DOC File]“Woman Work”


      19.Gaspara Stampa’s career as a well-known poet is a sign that: a. all women were now seen to be equal to men in Italian society. b. changes in Italian social mores now fully accepted women as writers. c. the high standard of living permitted rich women to do what they wanted to do

      women that changed history

    • [DOC File]'Any College Will Do' - Brandeis University


      Lesser amounts burnt, but did not explode. The fiery potential of sulfur (which makes up about 10% of gunpowder) which exists in a pure state in nature, combined with charcoal (15% of gunpowder) (created from wood burnt in an oxygen deprived environment) provides the fuel needed to mix with saltpeter to create gunpowder.

      women who changed women's rights

    • [DOC File]Useful Women’s History Websites for Teachers


      While women during World War II worked in a variety of positions previously closed to them, the aviation industry saw the greatest increase in female workers. More than 310,000 women worked in the U.S. aircraft industry in 1943, making up 65 percent of the industry’s total workforce (compared to just 1 percent in the pre-war years).

      unrecognized women in history

    • [DOC File]The Creation & Development of Gunpowder


      And this quantity has a famous name – it is known as the Effect Size (ES). As a guideline, Jacob Cohen classified effect sizes as small, moderate, and large (0.2, 0.5, and 0.8 for two-group comparisons); you can use these as a starting point.

      famous women that changed the world



      This Committee of political and community leaders (known as the NCPR) toured Tonga and overseas, inviting the 100,000 Tongans at home and the same number who comprise the diaspora abroad, to attend talanoa (listening meetings) and inform the Committee as to their views on the political system and on other matters they considered important.

      lesser known women in history



      However, both electronic harassment and stalking also seem to target women as victims. "In a 1993 survey of 500 members of Systers, an electronic mailing list for women in computer science, twenty percent of the respondents reported having been the targets of sexual harassment on-line."

      unknown women who made history

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