Lidocaine vs lidocaine with epinephrine

    • Office-Based Surgery Guidelines

      Drug concentration varies, but typically the infiltration is not in excess of 35-55 mg/kg of lidocaine with an epinephrine concentration of 1:1,000,000. Surgical liposuction will attempt to remove 1ml of liposuction elute to 1ml of infiltration fluid. Despite the removal of elute fluid in a 1:1 ratio, studies show that 50 – 70% of the ...


      Lidocaine. 2 mg/kg (1 mg/lb) With epinephrine prior to arthrotomy to help control hemorrhage. Without epinephrine after joint closure. Bupivacaine. 1.0 mg/kg (0.5 mg/lb) after closure. Generally, 4 - 6 ml fills a stifle. Place in joint after closure or place lidocaine w/epinephrine in joint before arthrotomy, wait 5 minutes, then proceed with ...

    • [DOC File]The Use Of Target Controlled Infusion (TCI) System With ...

      Local anesthesia was performed with lidocaine (1 to 0.12 %) with epinephrine. The endpoint of this study included: TCI Propofol dose required, benefits of the technique, side-effects, PONV, recovery time, discharge time, patient positions, oxygen administration or room air, patient’s comfort and analgesia required.

    • [DOC File]Emergency Procedures in the Dental Office

      Epinephrine: Tubex syringe cartridges with sterile protected needle attached (6) or 1:1000 in unit dose vials (1 mg/ml) or IV fluids (aqueous) 1:1000 in 1 ml for use IM or subcutaneous. Benadryl (50 mg/ml) ampule (3) Nitroglycerine tablets (0.15mg) for angina pectoris and 1 bottle of metered translingual spray 0.4mg/dose)

    • [DOCX File]Department of Emergency Medicine | University of Washington

      The skin and subcutaneous tissue was anesthetized with 1% lidocaine with epinephrine. An 18 gauge needle was then inserted lateral to the patella into the joint space, and fluid was aspirated. Approximately ___ mL of ____ fluid was obtained. The needle was removed and a dressing was placed over the site.

    • [DOC File]Skill Lab #1: Abnormal ECG Interpretation and

      150 mg (2nd dose) IV bolus VF, VT Procainamide 20 mg to 50 mg/min until arrhythmia suppressed IV Pre-excited AF, Tachy Lidocaine 1 to 1.5 mg/kg bolus. 0.5 to 0.75 mg/kg every 5 mins (Max 3 mg/kg) Push. Q 8-10 min. Infuse 1-4 mg/min Hemodynamically stable monomorphic VT Vasopressin 40 IU IV push . 1 dose only Asystole, PEA, VT/VF Atrial Flutter ...

    • [DOCX File]MGH OB Pink Card 1.4.16

      Desire dense S2-S4 level. Bolus 5cc increments of 1.5-2% lidocaine with epinephrine (with 1cc bicarb per 10cc lidocaine). Onset of block: 5-8min. If quick onset needed or fetal distress present: 10-12cc of 3% 2-chloroprocaine (+/- 1cc bicarb per 10cc 3% 2-chloroprocaine). If lac repair, may use 5-10cc 2% lidocaine with epinephrine. 2.

    • [DOCX File]EM Basic | Your Boot Camp Guide to Emergency Medicine

      Concentration of Epi in lidocaine with epi and epi drip, won’t cause tissue damage. IV Epinephrine- for patients who don’t get better from IM Epi. Two options- push-dose or drip. ... Patient given Epinephrine- observe for at least 4-6 hours in the ED to make sure patient doesn’t have rebound (repeat) reaction, low threshold to admit.

    • [DOCX File]TVH Curriculum.docx - UAB

      Inject vasoconstriction agent- 10 cc of 1% lidocaine with epinephrine when not contraindicated- inject circumferentially around the marked cervix. Incise circumferentially keeping the knife perpendicular to the cervix, attempting to cut through the mucosal and submucosal layers without entering the vessel containing endopelvic connective tissue ...

    • [DOCX File]XIVXV - Home - NEMSIS

      Yes/No Epinephrine given during the first five minutes after CCR initiated. E18_01. Date/Time Medication Administered. Early Epi Cycle 2. ... Lidocaine. Yes/No, Whether lidocaine was administered by the EMS agency. E18_03. Medication Given. Bicarb.

    • [DOC File]w - Intranasal

      Lidocaine is one of the safer topical anesthetics but can still lead to these complications if improperly applied. To prevent the risk of these toxic side effects, it is important to limit the volume of topically applied lidocaine to doses well within the safety range. Dose: A reasonable dose that is safe for topical lidocaine is 4 mg/kg.


      2% lidocaine + epinephrine 1:200,000 + bicarbonate 1 mEq per 10 ml of lidocaine. Alkalinization with bicarbonate speeds onset and intensifies the block. Bicarbonate should not be added if a slow onset of blockade with the least possible risk of hypotension is the goal. Test dose, plus incremental injections to total initial dose of 20 ml.

    • Answer Key - Introduction to Clinical Coding

      After adequate intravenous sedation had been obtained, the patient’s upper eyelids were marked for incision and infiltrated with 5 cc of 0.5% lidocaine mixed with 1:300,000 epinephrine in each lid. The patient’s face and head were prepped and draped in the standard operative fashion.

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