Light headed blurred vision headache


      ☐blurred vision ☐double vision ☐itching ☐burning ☐eye pain. Ears: ☐difficulty hearing ☐ear pain ☐vertigo ☐tinnitus (ringing) ☐ears feel pressured ☐discharge from ears ... ☐light-headed on standing . Respiratory: ☐wheezing ☐shortness of breath ☐hemoptysis ☐sputum production ☐sleep apnea ☐cough.

      light headed blurred vision causes

    • [DOCX File]PatientPop

      Headache Fatigue ... Dizziness/light headed Tension Difficulty breathing Heart problems/Angina Heavy headed Fog Cough Pacemaker Fainting Stress Chronic Cough High Blood Pressure ... Blurred vision Nervousness Hayfever Varicose veins Visual impairment Sleep problems Asthma Blood clots/DVT Tinnitus Fevers Chronic bronchitis Stroke (CVD) Loss of ...

      dizziness blurred vision light headed


      A 55 year old man is brought to hospital by ambulance complaining of severe headache, vomiting and blurred vision. On initial examination his BP is 260 / 145, similar in both arms. His Glasgow Coma Score is 14. CT scan reveals no abnormality. Question. Discuss the pharmacological treatment options for the treatment . of his hypertension. (100% ...

      blurred vision light headed fatigue


      Symptoms include headache, blurred vision, dizziness, nausea, poor balance, fatigue and feeling “not quite right”. A concussed player may also exhibit confusion, memory loss and reduced ability to think clearly and process information. Loss of consciousness is not common and occurs in 10-15% of cases of concussion in Rugby League.

      light headed blurred vision anxiety

    • [DOC File]Information for Health Care Assistants regarding ...

      These include recent investigations for palpitation, chest pains, tingling fingers, headache, blurred vision, constipation, diarrhoea, insomnia, and a variety of skin moles. Today he is concerned because of pains in every joint of his body, which have “been there for quite a while.”

      headache blurred vision one eye

    • [DOC File]Presyncope and Syncope

      feeling dizzy or light-headed. a pale face. sweating. nausea (feeling sick) or vomiting. stomach ache. weakness. numbness and tingling. blurred or faded vision. anxiety and restlessness. Faints usually last only a few seconds, and recovery can take a few minutes. You may also vomit while recovering. Types of collapse. Heat, emotional distress ...

      bad headache with blurred vision

    • Blurred Vision and Headaches: How They’re Connected - Vanquish

      light headed, dizzy, sweating, nausea, blurred vision or loss of vision from periphery in, feel hot. Vasovagal syncope . is incited by a noxious stimulus (pain, fear) or a characteristic setting: vertical, standing position and the attacks are aborted or resolve after reclining (blood perfuses to brain)

      headache blurred vision dizziness

    • [DOC File]Country Rugby League of New South Wales - The Country ...

      Light headed/dizzy BP, pulse, temp, 02 saturations, Blood glucose, urine analyst, Taking fluids, has eaten. Headache . Leg pain BP, pulse, temp,02 sats respiration – ask if any blurred vision carry out Blood Glucose, urinalysis. BP, Pulse, 02 sats respirations Temp (Adults) PTO Continued

      light headed and blurred vision

    • [DOCX File]Fainting and collapse - Home | Better Safer Care

      Nov 14, 2016 · Blurred vision, watering eyes. Discomfort from light. Abnormal body movement including the eye and eyelid. Difficulty walking, using your hands, opening mouth, talking, with balance and hearing, smelling, eating, sleeping, emptying the bladder. Hearing loss. Swelling of the body which may cause shortness of breath . Kidney damage which may ...

      light headed blurred vision causes

    • [DOC File]Possible Side Effects of FOLFOX (Leucovorin, 5 ...

      Headache Poor Appetite Failing Vision Fever Difficult Digestion Nearsightedness Chills Excessive Hunger Farsightedness ... CONFUSED DISORIENTED LIGHT HEADED. DIZZY NAUSEATED BLURRED VISION RING/BUZZ IN EARS. If you still have any of those symptoms, which ones? _____ Are you currently suffering from any of the following (please circle ...

      dizziness blurred vision light headed

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